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Action Needed to Stop a Very Dangerous Bill!

By April 27, 2023Pennsylvania
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HB 300, the Fairness Act, sponsored by Rep. Malcom Kenyatta (D-District 181), would amend the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity protections in housing, education, and public accommodations.  

We need your voice to stop this very dangerous bill! The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on HB300 as early as Monday, May 1. Here are a just few reasons Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Pennsylvania opposes HB300:

  • The Fairness Act would enshrine into state law a new protected class of sex based on “gender identity” that claims no objective standard, medical diagnosis, or permanent intent. Under this bill, gender identity is nothing more than a person’s perception of self that can be changed at any time, for any reason, and cannot be challenged.
  • This act would force women and girls to give up their rights to women-only sports. Women have fought long and hard to gain status.  Now, males self-identifying as women are celebrated in sports competitions; they steal women-owned business grants, and they invade female privacy in locker rooms and shelters. Title IX’s purpose and benefit will be negated for females under HB300. The tragedy of this is already being seen in women’s sports and will only intensify.
  • Women in emergency shelters would be forced to shower and share intimate quarters with biological men.
  • Women-only safe spaces like sex-segregated bathrooms, locker rooms, or domestic violence shelters could be seen as a form of sex discrimination. This is an affront to women, putting everything that women have worked to gain, our opportunities and protections, at risk.
  • The religious liberty of Pennsylvanians who hold conservative and biblical beliefs about marriage and sexuality would be threatened should the Fairness Act pass. We continue to witness attacks on people of faith who run businesses according to their religious beliefs, such as Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop.

We need YOU to ACT TODAY!

  1. Please email or call your State Representative through our Action Center HERE and urge them to vote NO on HB300, the Fairness Act.
  2. Forward this email to family and friends. Every email message and phone call is counted!
  3. Please pray for our legislators that God would give them the wisdom and understanding to accomplish His purposes. May the Lord open their eyes and give them the courage to do what is right.

For such a time as this,
Dilonna M. Coran
State Director