Action Needed! Hyde Amendment at Stake

If you oppose the federal government using taxes from workers’ paychecks to fund the destruction of babies in the womb through abortion, call your member of Congress at 202-225-3121 and urge them to vote NO. Read why below.

Senate Democrats Repeal Hyde Amendment in Massive New Spending Cloaked as “COVID Relief”  

As part of the massive, partisan $1.9 trillion coronavirus spending bill passed on Saturday, every Senate Democrat voted to scrap over 40 years of bipartisan consensus to prevent the federal government from using your tax dollars from paying for the brutal destruction of babies through abortion. This is unconscionable. Any American who knows babies in the womb deserves the chance to live needs to stand against this atrocity.

A strong majority of Americans, including many who identify as “pro-choice,” support the Hyde Amendment (for domestic programs) and the Helms Amendment (for international programs), which prohibit federal tax dollars from American workers’ paychecks being used to kill innocent pre-born children at home and abroad.

President Joe Biden and his radical Democrat party are promoting a culture of death in this reckless, excessive federal bail-out bill. Under the guise of an “American Rescue Plan,” they are abandoning protection for the most vulnerable and voiceless lives in America:  babies in the womb.

Democrat Senators Joe Manchin (West Virginia), Bob Casey (Pennsylvania), and Tim Kaine (Virginia) voted for an amendment to restore the Hyde Amendment protections to prevent any of the $1.9 trillion from paying for abortion on demand. The amendment failed to reach the sixty votes needed for passage. These same members then voted for passage of the final bill, willing to allow billions of dollars in new Obamacare funding to pay for an abortion for any reason. Sens. Manchin, Casey, and Kaine care more about $1,400 checks in the mail than the billions of dollars that can now be spent to destroy innocent pre-born babies. Shame on them and the entire Democrat party.

The so-called “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” now goes back to the House for a vote. If you oppose the federal government using taxes from workers’ paychecks to fund the destruction of babies in the womb through abortion, call your member of Congress at 202-225-3121 and urge them to vote NO.

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