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Act Now! Save Women’s Sports in Texas!

By May 2, 2021Texas
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Action is needed today!
Help stop biological males from playing female sports in Texas schools.

The Texas legislature is holding a bill that would require public school students to compete in sports competitions based on biological sex rather than on their perceived gender identity.

The bill simply takes current Texas University Interscholastic League (UIL) Rules and makes them law. (UIL is an organization that exists to provide educational extracurricular academic, athletic, and music contests for public school students.)

Bill Information:

SB 29 passed (5-2) the Senate State Affairs Committee on March 26, 2021. It passed (18-12) from the Senate floor on April 15, 2021. It was then referred to the House Public Education Committee on April 19.  SB 29’s companion bill, HB 4042, has already been heard in the Public Education Committee. In order to protect women’s sports, we need the Public Education Committee to vote HB4042/SB29 out of committee this week in order for it to go to the Texas House floor for a vote. And then, if passed, make its way to Gov. Abbott’s desk. We are so close!

We need you to contact the House Public Education Committee members and ask them to pass the bills.

Take Action:

  1. Contact the House Public Education Committee members and ask them to pass HB 4042 and its companion, SB 29. The members and their contact information are listed below my signature. You can also find the list of the committee members here. It is particularly helpful if you are the constituent of any of the committee members for you to identify yourself as a constituent! Use this link to find out who represents you in the state legislature.
  2. Contact your own state representative and ask him or her to support SB 29. Use this link to find who represents you.

Please pray:

  1. Pray that Texas state representatives will not be overcome with timidity and “political correctness” and will handle this issue with positive and fair wisdom for the girls and women of Texas.
  2. Pray for the young women who are called upon to stand strong against this adversity in the face of the “cancel culture.” Pray they will come forward to give testimony.
  3. Pray for Gov. Greg Abbott (Republican), and Speaker Dade Phelan (R-District 2), Chairman Harold Dutton (D-District 142), and the members of the committee that they may support and defend the birthright of every young girl in Texas.

“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27 NASB

Ann Hettinger
State Director

House Public Education Committee members
Ask them to pass HB 4042 and its companion, SB 29.

Harold Dutton, Chairman (D-District 142) – (512) 463-0510
J.M. Lozano, Vice Chairman (R-District 43) – (512) 463-0463
Alma Allen, (D-District 131) – (512) 463-0744
Steve Allison (R-District 121) – (512) 463-0686
Keith Bell (R-District 4) – (512) 463-0458
Diego Bernal (D-District 123) – (512) 463-0532
Brad Buckley (R-District 54) – (512) 463-0684
Mary E. Gonzalez (D-District 75) – (512) 463-0613
Dan Huberty (R-District 127) – (512) 463-0520
Ken King (R-District 88) – (512) 463-0736
Terry Meza (D-District 105) – (512) 463-0641
James Talarico (D-District 52) – (512) 463-0670
Gary VanDeaver (R-District 1) – (512) 463-0692)