AB 2943 Senate Floor Vote is This Thursday – Free Speech is On the Line

By July 3, 2018California

Wow!  AB 2943 will be on the Senate floor on Thursday, July 5!  If you haven’t already, please call your state senator to oppose this bill.  Click here to find your senator and his/her contact information on this link.

As you know, CWA is opposed to AB 2943. We have had such great momentum spreading the news about this bill that infringes on free speech.  Let’s continue to send a clear message of opposition before the bill hits the Senate floor on Thursday.  Legislators need to hear that this is not a bill that helps Californians.  It does not protect or preserve our freedoms.  AB 2943 will prohibit individuals from seeking the help they desire for unwanted attractions, known as sexual orientation change efforts, and punish the professionals who could assist them. The state would be inappropriately intruding in private counseling situations – counseling that has helped thousands achieve the goals the patient is seeking. Denying this therapy, which has had well-documented success, is not the role of government.

Originally AB 2943 was to be heard first in the Senate Appropriations Committee, but the Chair decided to waive the hearing so it’s now on its way to the senate floor this week.

Thanks to all who have prayed and called to voice opposition.

Take Action:

  1. Call your senators and ask them to vote NO on AB2943. Let them know that this is a free speech issue.  If you called your senators on this issue when we last asked you to, please call again.  Let them know that you called previously on this but now that the vote is this Thursday, you wanted to be sure you were heard.  Click here to find their names and contact info.
  2. If you have not already, this is the time to forward this email on to others and encourage them to both pray and take action.

Pray for softened and convicted hearts in the legislature to listen to truth, that they will make wise decisions, do what’s right and vote No on AB 2943.

“He will bring forth your righteousness like the dawn, your justice like the noonday sun” (Psalm 37:6).

Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California