A Thanksgiving Prayer

By November 24, 2022News and Events

As we gather to eat with family, We’re thankful for the day-to-day gift,
But we recognize the best present, Is at Your heavenly table we’ll one day sit.

What’s more, we are grateful:

That You have adopted us, Given us an inheritance that is new,
And promised an eternity Spent with an amazing You.

That You are jealous for us, Not in human, errant pride,
But as a husband, zealous to reconcile With His unfaithful bride.

That to mend that relationship, You sacrificed Your Son, the King,
A perfect Being without sin, For a people wholly undeserving.

That after Christ’s death, We were not left alone, but
You Sent the Holy Spirit in His place To point us to ultimate Truth.

That You are unchanging, Unlike we who are swayed
By emotion and circumstance, You are constant and have stayed.

That You see all situations, All actions and motivations,
Only You can perfectly judge, With perfect understanding and patience.

That we are fully known All of our intricacies — the good …
As well as the vile we try and hide, And we are yet fully loved and understood.

That the Gospel not only Reconciles us to our Father,
It breaks through our differences, So we may have grace for one another.

That You alone define us, Sustain us through both hardship and pain,
And give us peace and joy, That we could otherwise not explain.

For these reasons and so many more, We are grateful in every way.
May You be especially honored and blessed, As we praise You this Thanksgiving Day.