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A Thanksgiving Message from CWA of Wisconsin

By November 25, 2014Wisconsin
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There are a million and one things we all do each and every day to keep ourselves busy, productive and occupied. Certainly we can all pretty much agree on that.

For centuries Americans have had a tradition of dedicating the hours of Thanksgiving Day to praise, family and great food. Effort has always been made to find ways to gather with family and friend and to share with the community. It is a time to give thought to the blessings of a year’s bountiful harvest, resulting in memories in the minds and hearts of all.

We live in a time when it seems so simple to just toss such traditions as a day for thanksgiving to the side. While we live in a country where we have so very much, we seem to be completely willing to bypass the respect and benefits of such a day and buy into the mindset that we need to have more.

When I was young, everything shut down on Sundays. No stores were ever open on holidays. Our parents followed the example of their parents and made certain holidays were special family days. FAMILY FIRST, right? How many times have we all heard or even commented family first? A healthy community is centered on the family. That is a fact. Though today nearly all of our special days devoted to a variety of monumental historical events are being washed away by a culture of shop and buy.

Pope John Paul II stated, “The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.” How true!

We cannot continue to allow all that is precious, worthy and good to be obliterated by the society in which we are living. Our parents guaranteed such goodness for us; how can we deny this to our children and grandchildren?

Make this Thursday, November 27, 2014, a glorious day. Plan to not shop at all; do not spend a dime. Try a day devoted to thanks to GOD. Certainly He deserves such. Make an effort to share how important it is to take a time-out from the non-stop action life we all lead. Tell someone you love them. Make an extra effort to share a smile and good wishes with people with whom you have contact. You will make the world a better place!

If you think FAMILY FIRST is the base foundation for a healthy society, act on it. Treasure the special days in your life and have the most blessed and happy Thanksgiving day ever!