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Three Excellent Texas Bills that Need Your Support

By April 12, 2017Texas
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With the Texas House finally debating and passing a budget, they now have no reason to delay in hearing conservative bills on the floor. CWA of Texas has two bills that are currently in the House Calendars Committee. We are praying that the Calendars Committee will act soon and place these on the House Calendar for debate.

We have also been actively involved in promoting the Texas Privacy Act by providing invited witness testimony at the Senate hearing, holding a number of meetings with key legislators, as well as being a guest at multiple press conferences and pastor conferences on the topic. When I have shared my personal testimony of being videoed in a public women’s restroom by a hidden camera placed there by a man, it has changed hearts and minds regarding this bill. People have gone from actively opposing this bill to actively supporting it, even testifying in favor of it. The Lord is working in the hearts and minds of people regarding this bill.

Here are three of our top priority bills …

House Bill 421 – Church Security Protection Act – This bill would allow churches to provide security for their facilities by using volunteers. Currently state law requires that a place of worship hire private security companies to provide security or that the church be licensed by the state as a private security company. Go to our website to view news coverage.

Action Item: Contact the House Calendars Committee and ask them to pass House Bill 421 out of committee and to the floor for a vote. Click on each name for contact information. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Texas.

House Bill 522 – Homeowner Association Religious Liberty Bill – This bill corrects bad legislation that was passed several legislative sessions ago that limited the religious liberties of homeowners.

Action item:  Contact the House Calendars Committee and ask them to pass House Bill 522 out of committee and to the floor for a vote. Click on each name for contact information. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Texas.

Senate Bill 6 – Texas Privacy Act – This bill would require men and women to use the bathroom or changing facility in government buildings of the gender listed on their birth certificate. This would allow protection of the privacy, safety and dignity of Texans by ensuring that bathrooms and changing facilities in government buildings (including public schools) remain gendered. It also provides protections for private businesses to allow them to make their own bathroom policy. Go to our website to view testimony and news coverage.

Action Item: Contact your State Representative and tell them you want children in Texas protected from being forced to share their bathrooms and locker rooms with students of the opposite sex. Tell them to please contact House Leadership and request Senate Bill 6 be allowed a hearing and floor debate. Click here to find out who your representative is and how to contact him/her.  Go to “Who Represents Me?” on the right side.  Be sure to let him/her know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Texas.

Please pray for the House Committees to get active on strong conservative legislation. Pray also for our CWA of Texas leadership team as we work in Austin to try and move legislation along.

Two more things:

  1. Please consider financially contributing to CWA of Texas. We are all volunteers so your contribution will go directly to the work at hand.  Any amount is appreciated.  Contribute online or send a check to the address below.  Write the check out to “Concerned Women for America” and put “CWA of TX” in the memo line.
  2. Please pass this e-alert to some friends and encourage them to take action on these important bills. But, before you do, be sure to delete the text on the very bottom “unsubscribe” or they can inadvertently unsubscribe you from our email list.

Thank you for all your prayers and actions.  You are needed, and you are appreciated!

For Him,
Dana Hodges
State Director
CWA of Texas
P.O. Box 1386
Orange, TX 77631