We lift up our children, O God.
How we are filled with hope when
We read of the incredible love with
Which You treated them.
You said, “Of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
You told us they are a heritage and a reward from You.
“Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them,” wrote the psalmist.
You called us to never look down on them, for their angels are before Your very presence.
Give us that love for our children, merciful Father.
May we cherish them and guide them in thanksgiving.
May we never look on them as burdens,
Or even worse, as curses to us.
They are a blessing, gifts from above;
Take away our selfishness and pride,
And give us the heart of a servant
That we may sacrifice and give to them with joy.
They are part of Your body, Your church,
An essential part.
They will one day carry the Gospel of Your Son
To a new generation.
Give us that vision and urgency,
To prepare them and equip them
For the task ahead and the world
Through which they will navigate.
These are the ones who will govern our land;
May they be for justice and righteousness,
May they show mercy and grace,
And may they bring this nation back to You.
For this is where America must go.
If we are to shine bright once again,
We must return to the God of our salvation,
“That God in Whom we trust,” as the saying goes.
May this not be just our motto, but our truth.
May we lead our children thus
That they, too, may lead accordingly in the days ahead.