4-6-11 CWA E-Alert: Urgent! Action Required!

By April 6, 2011Washington



“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Dear CWA of Washington Members,

In his letters, Paul greeted his fellow believers with the words above, then often thanked God for them and for their prayers for him and the others serving our Lord and spreading His gospel throughout the nations. May Paul’s words strengthen us as we stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30) and occupy the land until our Lord’s return (Luke 19:13), living peaceably with all men, as much as it depends on us (Romans 12:18). Thank you for praying with and for Concerned Women for America of Washington.


HB 1649 passed the Senate 28-19 on March 30, and has been signed into law. This was a difficult bill to defeat since Washington State has already passed laws that recognize same-sex unions as basically equivalent to marriage between one man and one woman. Thank you for praying and contacting legislators. Please continue to lift up our state to the Lord; pray that we will confess and repent of our rebellion toward God and His Word and principles and for spiritual revival for the entire state and spiritual renewal for our churches.

ESSHB 1267 is still in the Senate Rules Committee but here is the latest: On April 5, it was made eligible to be placed on second reading. This means it is eligible for a Senate vote at any time. We must persevere in our opposition to this attempt to make childbearing into a business and children into commodities. Women and children deserve better! Tell your state senator to oppose this bill and keep surrogacy a voluntary gift between private parties. HB 1267 has the potential to create corruption and abuse of women, and it is not necessary to deal with the problem of infertility, as couples already have the options of fertility treatments, adoption of born children, the use of frozen-embryo technology, and voluntary surrogacy.

If you are represented by the following senators, it is particularly important that you act now: Sen. Joe Fain (47th), Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen (10th), Sen. Brian Hatfield (24th), Sen. Andy Hill (45th), Sen. Steve Hobbs (44th), Sen. Derek Kilmer (26th), Sen. Steve Litzow (41st), Sen. Cheryl Pflug (5th) Sen. Tim Sheldon (35th).

PRAY, STAND UP, STAND FIRM, SPEAK OUT AND TAKE ACTION: Legislative hotline 1-800-562-6000 or you may find contact information for individual senators at Washington State Senate

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21


The 40 Days for Life Campaign runs until Sunday, April 17. For prayer vigil locations and other details, go to 40 Days for Life

The Day of Silence, which is sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), is scheduled for Friday, April 15. GLSEN’s Day of Silence, which began on college campuses and has now infiltrated middle schools, exploits anti-bullying sentiment to undermine the belief that homosexual acts are immoral. GLSEN shamelessly exploits teen suicide in order to create a climate of hysteria which they can then exploit to falsely impute culpability for teen suicide to conservative moral beliefs. GLSEN’s end game is the eradication of conservative moral beliefs and the creation of a social and political climate in which it is impossible to express them. Their cultural vehicle of choice for this radical social experiment is public education. What a strategic coup for homosexuals: use our money to capture the hearts and minds of our children!

And we do virtually nothing. Our complacence makes us complicit in the damage done to our children and our culture. Moreover, we teach our children by example to be cowardly conformists. It’s time to resist, and there’s no easier way to resist than to keep your children out of school on the Day of Silence.

Parents and Guardians: Call your children’s middle and high schools and ask if students and/or teachers will be permitted to refuse to speak during class on Friday, April 15. If your administration allows students and/or teachers to refuse to speak during class, keep your child out of school. Every student absence costs school districts money. When administrators refuse to listen to reason and when they allow the classroom to be exploited for political purposes, parents must take action. If they don’t, the politicization of the classroom and curricula will increase.

If your administrator tells you that they do not permit students or teachers to refuse to speak in class, ask him or her how that is communicated to faculty and students.

Here are just a few of the governmental efforts designed to use public schools to normalize homosexuality and Gender Identity Disorder (aka “transgenderism”):

An enumerated anti-bullying law in Illinois.

Comprehensive sex ed bill SB 1619

Safe Schools Improvement Act

“Dear Colleague” Letter sent by the Department of Justice to all school boards that unconstitutionally expands the control of government over student speech

The Department of Justice’s video submission to Dan Savage’s “It Gets Better” campaign

White House Anti-Bullying Conference

And here are the special events concocted by homosexual activist organizations that have wormed their way into public schools, partly because conservatives fail to oppose them with the same vigor that homosexuals promote them:

No Name-Calling Week sponsored by GLSEN

Ally Week sponsored by GLSEN

Spirit Day sponsored by Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD)

National Coming Out Day sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC)

The Transgender Day of Remembrance sponsored by the HRC

The ACLU has issued this statement to students regarding silence in class, “You DO have a right to participate in Day of Silence and other expressions of your opinion at a public school during non-instructional time: the breaks between classes, before and after the school day, lunchtime, and any other free times during your day. You do NOT have a right to remain silent during class time if a teacher asks you to speak.”

It’s long past time that conservatives start acting and speaking as if we think our moral beliefs are objectively true. Conservative teachers need to create activities that require students to speak on the Day of Silence, and conservative parents need to teach their children by example to take a stand for truth.

It is unconscionable that conservative parents remain silent, acquiescent, fearful non-participants in our public schools while homosexuals and their ideological allies engage continuously in vociferous, vigorous, and bold action.

Please keep your children out of school if your administration permits students to refuse to speak on the Day of Silence. For further information, including parental instructions and a sample calling out letter, visit The Day of Silence Walk Out .

(This information was provided courtesy of Kathy Valente, Director of Operations, Illinois Family Institute.)

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson, State Director

P.O. Box 143 WoodinvilleWA98072; Tel/fax 425-869-1923; E-mail Maureen today!