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Join Us in New Orleans on March 4: Protect Women Protect Life Press Conference

By February 28, 2020Louisiana
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This coming Wednesday, March 4, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in June Medical Services vs. Gee, an important case where pro-abortion advocates are challenging a Louisiana law (Unsafe Abortion Protection Act) that requires abortionists to possess admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their abortion facilities. Louisiana enacted the law to protect women in the event they experience complications related to an abortion.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Louisiana invites you to join us, along with other like-minded pro-life organizations and groups, in New Orleans on March 4, to show support for the sanctity of human life and for women’s safety. We will be standing in solidarity with the hundreds of CWA members and supporters from like-minded groups who will be rallying on the steps of the Supreme Court to show support for the sanctity of human life and for women’s safety. CWA’s CEO and President Penny Nance, our own Sancha Smith, and LSU’s Young Women for America president Lillie Knight will be speaking at the Supreme Court rally.

I have the privilege of speaking at the press conference – representing your voice for life! I hope you will join me in New Orleans next week!

Our message: Abortionists do not speak for women!

Here are the details:
Event: New Orleans Protect Women Protect Life Press Conference
Date: Wednesday, March 4
Time: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Hale Boggs Federal Building and Courthouse
500 Poydras Street, New Orleans


  • Please mark your calendar and make plans to attend the rally.
  • Invite others to attend.

Prayer: Pray for this case up to and including March 4. Please pray that truth and justice will reign.

I have the privilege of speaking at the press conference – representing your voice for life! I hope you will join me in New Orleans next week!

“Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” – Matthew 6:10

Laura Huber
Interim State Director*
CWA of Louisiana

*Sancha Smith is on a leave of absence from her state director responsibilities for CWA of Louisiana until February 2021. We will miss Sancha while she is away, but we are so grateful Laura Huber has graciously agreed to serve as interim director while Sancha is on leave.

Tanya Ditty
Vice President of Field Operation
Concerned Women for America