DAY OF SILENCE – Hijacking of North Carolina Classrooms for Political Purposes

By April 25, 2018North Carolina

The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has designated this Friday, April 27, as the Day of Silence – a day where public school students are encouraged to refuse to speak for an entire school day including during class. The event is to encourage sympathy and support of homosexual and transgender students whose behaviors have been silenced by those who disapprove of their lifestyle.

In opposition to the Day of Silence, CWA of North Carolina is joining with pro-family organizations throughout the nation to endorse the Day of Silence WALKOUTClick here for more information.

Please forward this e-alert on to like-minded friends and family.  Especially those with school age children.

Pray! Educate! Act!


Jill Coward
State Director
CWA of North Carolina