By November 11, 2016Illinois

HB 4013 can be called for a vote anytime during LAME DUCK VETO SESSION.


The battle for the sanctity of human life and family is raging.  Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) has called for a third reading of HB 4013 making it probable that the bill will be voted upon at any time during the Lame Duck Veto Session. (Nov. 15, 16, 17, 29, 30 and Dec. 1)

According to estimates by the Illinois Family Institute, HB 4013 would have the potential to increase abortions in Illinois by at least 37 percent based on the number of Medicaid recipientsIn real numbers, that would be about 15,000 more babies slaughtered with our tax dollars each year! 

Surveys have revealed most Illinoisans, even those who are pro-choice, do not want their tax dollars paying for abortions.

Make your voice heard now against this legislation to protect the rights of the unborn!

Urge your state representative to vote “No” on HB 4013!

HB 4013 would:

  • Remove all bans on using taxpayer funding for abortion for basically any reason throughout all nine months of pregnancy under Medicaid.
  • Remove the ban on state employees’ insurance policies paying for abortions.

Pray that:

  • Pastors and congregations will urge their state representatives to oppose HB 4013.
  • The fear of the Lord will fall upon retiring or defeated lawmakers who are returning to address unfinished business and are no longer accountable to the voters.
  • Legislators will be freed from demonic powers and principalities that cause them to vote for abominable legislation.


  • Contact your state representative today! Click here to find their name and contact information. Insist that he/she oppose the use of tax dollars going to kill pre-born babies and Vote “NO” on HB 4013.
  • Forward this alert to everyone you know – especially your pastor and members of your congregation.

LORD, rescue the unborn from abortion. Forgive us for our complacency.  We say, “We knew nothing about this,” but You who weighs the heart knows everything. (Proverbs 24:11-12)

Debbie Leininger
State Director
CWA of Illinois
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