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Enough is enough! CWA of North Carolina Calls for Planned Parenthood to Be Investigated on Both a National and State Level

By July 31, 2015North Carolina

Planned Parenthood betrays women and should not be receiving federal funds.  They must be investigated on both a national and state level immediately.

View what Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America CEO and President, had to say at a press conference in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday.

The State of North Carolina has recently implemented new regulations involving abortion clinics; however, there is no requirement for an anesthesiologist or CRNA to administer anesthesia; nor is the abortion doctor required to be a board-certified OB/GYN. These and other less than proper standards should cause alarm for the women throughout the State of North Carolina entrusting themselves to the care of these “medical clinics.” In addition, there have been a number of violations filed against some still employed abortionists who have had their licenses revoked, one who has no hospital privileges in a neighboring state but who practices abortion in North Carolina, as well as some who have botched abortions seriously harming or causing fatal injury.

Why don’t North Carolina citizens deserve the same protection in abortion clinics as they do in other medical clinics?

Please take action:

  1. Click here to view all four disturbing videos about Planned Parenthood practices.
  2. After viewing, do your part by signing our petitionWe need as many signatures as possible to present to the Senate as they take up the defunding of Planned Parenthood on Monday of next week. 
  3. IMMEDIATELY contact your senators.  They are expected to address this topic on Monday.  Ask for a congressional investigation into the practices of Planned Parenthood and an immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood.  Ask them to vote YES on S. 1881. The Senate is scheduled to address the defunding of Planned Parenthood this Monday before they leave for summer break. Contact Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) at 202-224-3154 / Email  / Twitter.  Contact Sen. Tom Tillis (R-NC) 202-224-6342 / Email  / Twitter.
  4. Contact all North Carolina representatives.  If time does not allow be sure to at least contact your representative. Click here to find out who your representative is and how to contact them.
  5. Your Members of Congress may be holding town hall meetings while they are in the state during the August recess.  Attend those meetings and respectfully ask them for a congressional investigation and an immediate defunding of Planned Parenthood.  Ask them where they stand on this issue.
  6. Contact Gov. Pat McCrory at 919-814-2000 or e-mail him. Remind him of these videos with nine more to be released, each more heinous than the previous one. As of July 24, there have been nine states who have already launched an investigation into abortion clinics in their states. Urge Gov. McCrory to take action immediately. This is an urgent matter, and time is of the essence.

Please pray:  Ask the Lord to give those who will be investigating the wisdom to discover the truth and the courage to speak it. Pray the pressure on Gov. McCrory intensifies, and he does the right thing.

Enough is enough!

