2014 Iowa Legislative Session Is In Full Swing

By January 30, 2014Iowa

Legislators are responding to their constituents’ concerns about the Common Core, and they are asking for our help.

Please consider calling your State Representative and asking him/her to co-sponsor the following bills yet to be assigned numbers.

  1. Co-sponsor Rep. Salmon’s bill which makes Common Core an opt in voluntary program. (This way districts that have already purchased curriculum can continue; other districts can save money by not participating.)
  2. Co-Sponsor Rep. Salmon / Rep Gassman’s bill to exit the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC).
  3. Co-Sponsor Rep Salmon / Rep. Gassman’s bill which returns local control once again by allowing district school boards to set standards removing the State School Board of Education (SBOE) from the process and prohibits the State from accepting the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
  4. Co-Sponsor Rep. Sheets’ bill preventing the Department of Education (DOE) from entering into contracts.
  5. Co-Sponsor Rep. Schultz bill to stop non-academic data collection.

Don’t be intimidated; call your representative at 515-281-3221 or e-mail them and ask that they co-sponsor the five bills listed. You can find out who your legislators are by going to https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find.