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1-12-10 E- ALERT

By January 12, 2010Washington
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JANUARY 12, 2010


Dear CWA of Washington Member,

Happy New Year! May this be a year of blessings and deepening faith for you, your church and your family. As we begin 2010, please pray for spiritual revival in these United States of America, that God would not remove His hand of blessing that we have witnessed throughout our history, that people in positions of authority will stop rebelling against God’s natural laws and natural order and that we all will stand firmly for the Judeo-Christian principles upon which our nation was founded.

Along that same line, would you please prayerfully consider joining our ENCOURAGE-A-LEGISLATOR (EAL) CAMPAIGN for 2010? It is not too late! This is a program that enlists volunteers to pray daily for a state legislator and send them weekly postcards with encouraging and inspiring Scripture or historical quotes. We supply everything you need except the postcards and stamps. Please contact us with your willingness to participate. You may use the attached EAL flyer for you, your church and friends. We have heard from several legislators who understand the importance of prayer and appreciate ours so please add your prayers this year!

On Tuesday, January 19, 2010, Concerned Women for America of Washington will be joining other pro-life citizens at the annual MARCH FOR LIFE in Olympia. The rally starts on the sidewalks to the southwest of the Capitol Building and then proceeds to the Capitol steps at 12:00 NOON. Please come (dress warmly!) and look for the CWA of Washington banner and MARCH TO PROTECT INNOCENT HUMAN LIFE!!

LEGISLATIVE LIAISON: We still need a volunteer who lives within about thirty minutes of Olympia to serve as our Legislative Liaison. This person helps the State Director with legislative issues and interacts with legislative staff on behalf of CWA’s six core issues: sanctity of life, family, religious liberty, education, pornography and national sovereignty. Please contact Maureen if you are interested and please let others know of this need!

Check out the national website at for the latest national news and for state updates. Please update your membership at the state website or by mailing a suggested tax-deductible donation of $25 or more to us. Please share this action alert!!

James 5:16: The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

James 2:17: Faith by itself, if not accompanied by action, is dead.

In His Service,

Maureen Richardson

State Director

P. O. Box 143 Woodinville, WA 98072
