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Israel Suspends Mideast Peace Talks Over Palestinian Unity Deal

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Since its creation in 1948, Israel has been in conflict with its Palestinian and Arab neighbors. That conflict, sparked by religion, has continuously stalled peace within the region. This week, the divided factions of Palestine (since 2007), Fatah in the West Bank, which has been involved in peace talks with Israel, and Hamas from the Gaza Strip, which has continuously attacked Israel, have announced plans for a unified government.

With this alliance, Israel has now stated that any attempt to negotiate peace is suspended. This unification is troubling, as Hamas has refused to recognize Israel’s legitimacy and continues to take hostile action against the state. One of the many concerns with this unity is the extremism behind Hamas. This is not simply two Palestinian factions uniting. Instead, Fatah, which has been in peace negotiation with Israel, has united with a terrorist organization whose charter calls for the death of all Israelis and Jews.

Many countries, including the United States, have been pushing for a long-term peace deal within the region. Now, this hope is a far stretch for those who acknowledge Hamas’ refusal to any type of compromise with Israel. It is because of past actions by the faction, and the fact that the United States and the European Union recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization, that Israel has been forced to halt negotiations.

The only acceptable outcome is one where both Fatah and Hamas recognize the State of Israel and chose to live in peace, instead of seeking violence against the state.