Your Parental Rights are Being Threatened in California. Important Town Hall Meeting Tomorrow. We Need You to Show Up!

By February 27, 2017California

However well-intentioned his efforts may be, Sen. Richard Pan (D-Sacramento) is pushing an anti-parental rights bill (SB-18) which would leave unrestrained and undefined power in the hands of the California government to determine what is in the best interests of your children.

The only people who know what is best for children are their own parents.

“There is no greater calling than nurturing and caring for the hearts of the ones God has entrusted to you…” ~Sally Clarkson

Will religious beliefs, parenting philosophy, school choices (religious private schools, homeschooling) be targeted?

Parents, God has chosen YOU to be steward of your children.  He placed those specific little minds and hearts into your hands.  Guard that calling jealously.  Raise them well.  And don’t allow California elites to assert their power over the kids for whom you are responsible.


  • For Sen. Pan to understand that rights aren’t granted by government but are inalienable and God-given.
  • For other legislators to understand and zealously protect God-given parental rights.
  • For Californians to not sit on the sidelines as their freedoms are squashed, over-regulated, and outlawed.


  • Please attend Sen. Pan’s Town Hall this Tuesday evening, February 28, 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. to show and voice your opposition to this attempt by the California government to assert control over our children.

Oak Ridge Elementary School
4501 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95820

  • Sign Sen. Joel Anderson’s (R-Alpine) petition opposing SB-18.

Additional information:


Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California