Your Immediate Action Is Needed on a Bill to Protect Our Children from Common Core in Wisconsin

By February 20, 2014Wisconsin

Concerned Women for America of Wisconsin has been on the front of the Common Core battle since early last year. Common Core is an experiment destined for failure; it’s a loss of local control, loss of parental rights, loss of privacy, a high cost to the state and more. Click here to read more about the dangers of Common Core.

Finally, there is a streak of sunshine finding its way through the dark storm clouds of Common Core over Wisconsin.

Your help is needed to keep Common Core out of Wisconsin!

Sen. Leah Vukmir (R-District 5) has written a bill, SB 619, that will lead to the withdrawal from Common Core standards and give the legislature the ability to approve Wisconsin standards. Click here to read the bill.

Please TAKE ACTION TODAY. This bill is scheduled to come up for a vote this afternoon. We need YOU to call Madison and let your voice be heard for our children.
1. Contact both your Senator and Assemblyman and ask him/her to co-sponsor Senator Vukmir’s bill, SB 619. If you do not know who your legislators are and how to contact them, simply click here and fill in your address.
2. Contact Gov. Walker at (608) 266-1212 and thank him for his efforts to keep Wisconsin in control of our own education standards. Read how Gov. Walker is supporting this bill.

Please pray with me and ask the Lord to lead our legislators to make the right choice in regards to our children’s educational future.

Thanks to Sen. Vukmir we now have a chance to shift from this disastrous federal overreach. Let us do all we can to back him up in his efforts by taking action, praying and passing this alert on to a friend.


Kim Simac
State Director
CWA of Wisconsin