Your Help is Needed on Sex-Trafficking Legislation

By February 12, 2014Maine

The hearing on Amy Volk’s (R-Scarborough) Victims of Sex-Trafficking bill is to be heard this Thursday, February 13. Please come and show your support for L.D. 1730 “An Act To Assist Victims of Human Trafficking.”

If you haven’t already done so, please contact your senator and representative TODAY requesting support for the bill. Go here: to find your lawmaker. Maine towns are listed alphabetically. Find your town, and your representative and senator are listed beside the town along with their contact information.

Also call Senate Democrats at 207-287-1515 and Senate Republicans at 207-287-1505, House Democrats at 207-287-1430 and House Republicans at 207-287-1440. Give them the name the town in which you live and ask them to send your message requesting support for L.D. 1730 to your lawmaker.

Support L.D. 1730 “An Act To Assist Victims of Human Trafficking”
Sex-trafficking is a real problem in Maine, and L.D. 1730 will create a defense and enable a victim a pathway to have a conviction vacated from their record. The public hearing will be held February 13, at 1:00 p.m. before the Judiciary Committee in the State House. Please attend the hearing and/or read and/or submit testimony in support of the bill. If you submit testimony, 20 copies of your statement are required for the committee clerk.

Please pray, call, e-mail and attend the hearing on L.D. 1730. YOUR ACTION IS NEEDED NOW!

Penny Morrell
State Director
CWA of Maine