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Dear Friends,
As you receive this communication, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) members from around the country are in Washington, D.C., to visit with their Senators and alert them to the danger of Elena Kagan’s nomination to be the next Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
To maximize CWALAC’s impact today, we ask that you take a moment to call your Senators and ask them to oppose Elena Kagan’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
The Capitol Hill switchboard is (202) 224-3121.
Call that number right now and ask to be routed to your state’s Senators. Tell them Elena Kagan’s record shows she is a radically liberal political activist and not a jurist. It is clear she would be willing to circumvent the law to advance her own political beliefs.
President Obama warned us that he wanted to nominate someone who would not rule based on the law alone, but would show “empathy” for the causes he believes in beyond what is specifically written in the law. There can be no doubt that he has delivered on that promise in the nomination of Elena Kagan. From ObamaCare to abortion to military readiness, Kagan falls right in line with the President and will likely be a rubber stamp for Obama’s agenda.
CWALAC has produced a series of one-pagers (below) on several topics of concern that we hope are useful for you as you communicate with your Senators. Please print them and call now: (202) 224-3121.
If we stand together, we can have a much bigger impact. Make sure your Senators hear from you today!
One-page talking points:
Kagan’s Distorted Judicial Philosophy
Kagan’s Radical Pro Abortion Record
Kagan’s Warped Domestic vs. International Law Views
More Disturbing Views from Elena Kagan
More resources, including audio interviews, videos, and in-depth analyses of Elena Kagan’s nomination can be found at NextSupremeCourtJustice.com. Visit regularly, and make sure your friends and family know about it. Forward this e-mail and have them join the fight today!
Blessings, |
![]() Penny Nance Chief Executive Officer |
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