Happy New Year! I hope that you had a restful and blessed Christmas and New Years with your families and friends. The week leading up to Christmas, I traveled to West Palm Beach, Florida, where Young Women for America had an exhibitor booth at TPUSA’s Student Action Summit. The conference was filled with great speakers who came and encouraged the students to be leaders on campus, to educate themselves and engage in dialogue. The speakers included Laura Ingraham, Dr. Jordan Peterson, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Dennis Prager, Allie Stuckey, Tucker Carlson, and Donald Trump, Jr. This event was a great opportunity to share our YWA program with a couple hundred students and give them some of our educational and promotional materials. It is always such a blessing to discuss the rich history of CWA, how Mrs. LaHaye started our organization, and how someone can get involved with us on their college campus. Faces light up and they often respond, “Wow! This is what we need! I’m so glad you’re here!” We have received a number of new contacts, girls who want to start YWA chapters, and even some adults who want to get involved with CWA. There were two of our YWA chapter leaders at the conference, as well. Being able to connect with our girls is always the highlight of every trip for me. Please pray for God to use this conference to grow Young Women for America. Pray that God sustains their desire to start YWA at their university or high school, that He would use them to educate and impact their peers, and that they would stand up for righteousness.

Grayce McAllister, the graduating YWA President at Emporia State University in Kansas, and the incoming President, Mackenzie Haddix.