Your Participation is Needed to Protect Our Children From Dangerous Sex Ed Curriculum!

By May 8, 2018California

Calling all CWA of California members and friends, the parents of the Oceanside Unified District are asking for our help.  Let us not turn away in their time of need.

CWA of California is joining with Concerned Parents in Oceanside to tell the Oceanside Unified District School Board to repeal and replace the current harmful sex ed curriculum being taught and replace it with one that is age-appropriate, medically accurate, and reflects community values.

The current sex education curriculum:

  • Encourages early sexual curiosity and sexual experimentation in children who are not developmentally ready. Beginning in Kindergarten, vivid scenarios, graphic vocabulary, and controversial concepts are introduced that otherwise would not have been discussed in most families at that age.
  • Directs children to internet websites containing graphic sexual content and cartoon pornography accessed during school hours, on school computers, without parental supervision, that school safety filters would otherwise block, and encourages students to explore these websites at home.
  • And more!

Click here for more information.

Please take action today or soon after! It has just come to our attention that the Oceanside Unified District School Board is meeting tonight, May 8.  It would be great if the Concerned Parents of Oceanside could tell the school board that they have now gone over 1,000 signatures on their petition.  As I write this the number just went over 850.  Now if you are unable to sign the petition until after tonight, that’s fine, they still need the signatures!

  • Whether you are an Oceanside resident or not, please click here to sign the petition now. It will show that they are being watched by even those outside of Oceanside.

Let us pray for the Oceanside Unified District School Board.  May they hear the unified voice of parents, see the error of their ways, and have the courage to make the change needed.

For our kids!

Marlo Tucker
State Director
CWA of California