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“Women’s” March: Vulgar Signs and Liberal Policies

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Editor’s Note: This article contains pictures from the Women’s March which are unsuitable for children and may not be especially safe for work. We advise reading this article away from others. In most cases, the pictures are crass, vulgar, and an embarrassment to those who value civil discourse. 

I hope the women at the “Women’s March” took a moment to realize how amazing it is that in America we have freedom of speech. In many places around the world, women and men can be jailed for expressing their beliefs.

I am deeply glad that Americans have freedom of speech.  I am deeply thankful for the First Amendment.  I am looking forward to expressing my own pro-life beliefs at the March for Life this coming Friday.

I want to say that the “Women’s March” participants had some valid concerns, but I often disagree with their perspectives on the causes and solutions of societal problems.

  • HEALTH CARE is important and necessary. Health care access is just less efficient and effective when run by the government.  Free market solutions can make health care affordable and specialized to what a particular person needs from their insurance.
  • DISRESPECTING WOMEN in our society does happen. Trump did say disgusting and shameful things in that “locker room” video, but I am also deeply disturbed that so many women seem to put up with abusive men who want casual sex and don’t care about them. I’m troubled by the rap stars that Obama invited to the White House whose songs treat women like dirt; I’m troubled by former-President Clinton and everything he did to women. Standing up against any of this should cut across partisan lines — but at this march, it did not.
  • VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN is a real problem. Concerned Women for America (CWA) has supported alternate versions of the Violence Against Women Act that would make sure aid gets directly to victims and that rape kits are actually processed, instead of getting stuck in the backlog that is common throughout our nation. But we have also worked to expose how pornography and sex trafficking are some of the most dangerous assaults on women’s dignity and causes of violence. But I saw no signs regarding these issues.  I also saw no signs about the violence against women in other countries — from honor killings to female genital mutilation to forced child marriages to acid disfigurement and beyond.
  • LOVE is so important! But does love mean sexual license? Does love always mean approving of every decision someone makes — even if it is a decision to kill their child? Shouldn’t peace and love and “coexisting” begin in the womb?!  How was screaming “F*ck Trump” and “Burn the White House” an example of love and respect and peace?  How was saying that the white women who voted for Trump must be “called out” at an inclusive, tolerant women’s march full of love?

But despite any common ground, it’s clear that this march took a lewd turn, better shown than repeated. Their signs were some of the most vulgar displays I have ever seen. I’ve collected some of them for you here — but I warn you they are not pretty.  I’ve divided them into three categories: Women’s Body Parts, Abortion, and Disrespecting the President.

PART 1: Women’s Body Parts

Is that all that women are?  How is wearing a vagina empowering women and respecting our bodies?  How is self-degradation going to end societal degradation?

PART 2: Abortion

Then there’s the overemphasis on abortion at this March — when abortion is itself one of the greatest violations of women’s rights.  Abortion disproportionately kills more unborn females than males, preying on vulnerable women for profit, and rejecting pregnancy and mothering as a unique power of the female body.  These women claim to pro-choice, but are only fighting for one choice — abortion — while banning pro-life women from this march and supporting Planned Parenthood.

PART 3: Disrespecting the President

Finally, is disrespecting the President of the United States the right way to advocate for what you believe? Surely the office of president is enough to garner some semblance of respect and peaceful disagreement, not Madonna’s cries of wishing you could blow up the white house.


Also see Media Research Center contrast of the Women’s March and the March for Life:
(Warning: Some Strong Language)


The message of the march was convoluted – but whatever it was, it was not a “woman’s march.” The fact that the marchers dared to proclaim that being a “woman” equals embracing this sort of march is offensive — it’s the very hatred, degradation, and alienation they claim to be against.

It is for the very purpose of being an alternative voice in the public square that Concerned Women for America even exists.  Beverly LaHaye started CWA because radical pro-abortion, anti-marriage feminists did not represent all American women.

We give other women a voice, women who know that profanity, crude hats, sexual license, abortion, economic liberalism, and disrespecting the president are not ways to empower the women of America.

Chaney Mullins serves as Special Projects Writer for Concerned Women for America.