Women Still Not ‘SAFER’ From Sexual Assault, Rape

penny-lg-colorRape. As a mother about to send her only daughter off to college, this is one of my biggest fears, and it is something we all hope that our loved ones will never face.

The statistics, however, are startling. According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, there are approximately 293,066 victims of rape and sexual assault each year. The National Institute of Justice at the Department of Justice found that a college with a student population of 10,000 could account for as many as 350 rapes per year.

These are more than just numbers on a page for me. Years ago, I was almost a statistic, and the incident has haunted me each day since …

Read the rest of this article at: http://www.christianpost.com/news/women-still-not-safer-from-sexual-assault-rape-138875/