Women for America Network Continues to Fight Biden’s Assault on Title IX

As part of the Our Bodies, Our Sports coalition (the largest and most ideologically diverse women’s movement of our time), Concerned Women for America LAC (CWALAC) and Young Women for America (YWA) sent a letter to the U.S. Congress emphasizing our opposition to the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional Title IX rewrites, which destroy the meaning of “sex” under federal civil rights law by arbitrarily declaring that it includes “gender identity.”  The letter also asks members to support the Congressional Review Act resolution introduced by Rep. Mary Miller (R-Illinois) to stop the implementation of the new Title IX regulations before they come into effect on August 1, 2024. Here’s what the letter argues in part:

The rule flips Title IX on its head. It strips protections for women and girls — robbing women of equal opportunity, privacy, and fairness. It cheats female athletes out of their trophies, roster spots, playing time, and resources and gives them to men.

This doesn’t enforce Title IX, it violates it.

We write now to ask you to support the Congressional Review Act to stop the new Title IX rules from taking effect and destroying women’s sports.

You know physical differences between men and women have significant consequences in athletics. There is no way to level the playing field between the sexes.

Title IX was passed in 1972 to expand opportunities for women and girls in education, including school athletics. Now, under the administration’s new rules, protections for women have been eliminated.

Stop the war on women. Stop the illegal rewrite of Title IX. Keep women’s sports female. American women and girls deserve no less.

Click here to read the letter and see all the signatures as sent to Congress (PDF).

Click here to urge Congress to block Biden’s assault on Title IX to protect women’s sports.