Who Gets to Compete in Women’s Sports Competitions?

By March 31, 2021Texas

Fair competition and equality in women’s sports are being threatened. Individual male born athletes should not be eligible to participate on an athletic team that is exclusively for females – from kindergarten to high school to college (NCAA).

Many biological girls train and work hard to excel in their chosen sport with the goal of a college scholarship. When a biological boy who thinks he’s a girl is allowed to compete with the biological girls because of his natural endurance and strength, he steals the prize.

Texas House Bill 1458, a bill to help ensure fairness in women’s sports, has been introduced by Rep. Valoree Swanson (R-Dist. 150). The bill is assigned to the State Affairs Committee but has not been assigned a hearing. The chairman and members of the committee need to hear from you (particularly if you are a constituent of a committee member) about the importance of ensuring girls have a fair playing field in sports.

Visit Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) Standing with Female Athletes page for timely resources on this issue. Download and distribute CWA’s Protecting Women’s Sports CWA Fact Sheet.

Take Action:

  1. Contact the members of the House State Affairs Committee and ask them to support HB 1458 and give it a hearing. The committee members are listed below my signature. If you are a constituent, be sure to let them know.
  2. Contact your state representative and ask him or her to support HB 1458. Use this link to find out who represents you in the state legislature.
  3. Forward this information to family and friends.


  1. Pray that Texas state representatives will not be overcome with timidity and “political correctness” and will handle this issue with positive and fair wisdom for the girls and women of Texas.
  2. Pray for the young women who are called upon to stand strong against this adversity in the face of the “cancel culture.” Pray they will come forward to give testimony.
  3. Pray for Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, and Speaker Dade Phelan that they may support and defend the birthright of every young girl in Texas.

“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” Genesis 1:27 NAS

Ann Hettinger
State Director

House State Affairs Committee Members
Rep. Chris Paddie, Chairman (R-District 9) 512-463-0556 | Email
Rep. Ana Hernandez, Vice Chairman (D- District 143) 512-463-0614| Email
Rep. Joe Deshotel (D- District 22) 512-463-0662 | Email
Rep. Sam Harless (R- District 126) 512-463-0496 | Email
Rep. Donna Howard (D- District 48) 512-463-0631 | Email
Rep. Todd Hunter (R- District 32) 512-463-0672 | Email
Rep. Phil King (R- District 61) 512-463-0738 | Email
Rep. Eddie Lucio III (D- District 38) 512-463-0606 | Email
Rep. Will Metcalf (R- District 16) 512-463-0726 | Email
Rep. Richard Pena Raymond (D- District 42) 512-463-0558 | Email
Rep. Matt Shaheen (R- District 66) 512-463-0594 | Email
Rep. Shelby Slawson (R- District 59) 512-463-0628 | Email
Rep. John T. Smithee (R- District 86) 512-463-0702 | Email