What’s at Stake in Virginia? – The Future of Women’s Sports

By October 11, 2021SPSV-VA, Virginia

The future of female athletics is on the line in the Virginia election. You need to know if the candidates will uphold the rights of female student-athletes to fair competition, or will force our daughters on the sidelines as boys identifying as girls cut in?

Next year will mark the 50th Anniversary of Title IX – the law that made it possible for women and girls to receive equal opportunities in education, including athletics.  So why are we having to fight to uphold these rights all over again?  Because liberals in the General Assembly passed a law signed by Gov. Ralph Northam that requires school districts to treat gender identity as a student’s sex.

We stand on the truth that God created male and female, and basic biology tells us that male bodies have advantages in athletic competition over female bodies. That’s not speculation – that is science.  But Democrats still press on with their radical agenda to overrule science and common sense at the expense of our daughters.

The only way to save women’s sports is by electing leadership from the statehouse to the Governor’s mansion who will protect our daughters and stop the push for destructive gender ideology in our schools.  Other states have succeeded; it’s time for Virginia to do the same.

We know that athletic participation is a key factor in developing confidence and leadership skills, but when girls feel defeated before the race even begins, they wonder why even try.  They deserve better.

Your vote matters.  Hold the line against radical gender ideology as you vote in this year’s election.  Give our girls the chance they deserve to excel in sports and in life.