What is the truth about Benghazi? Make Two Calls Today to Demand It!

By June 6, 2013Virginia

H.RES. 36 would establish a select committee to investigate Benghazi. Should we not demand that the administration be investigated?

Call Congressman Goodlatte and Cantor now!

Virginia Congressmen Forbes, Rigell, Whittman, Griffith and Hurt have all signed on as co-sponsors. The question is why aren’t Congressmen Goodlatte and Cantor demanding that the administration be investigated?

Congressmen Goodlatte and Cantor need phone calls from Virginians to encourage them to support H.RES. 36.

Will you call and ask Rep. Goodlatte and Rep. Cantor what is the reason they are not co-sponsoring this bill that will reveal the truth behind this administration’s cover-ups?

Pray: That the truth will be exposed. The victims’ families and the American public deserve to know the whole truth about who made the decision in the American government to lie and why they did it. We can handle the truth; can the administration?

Take action: Even if they are not your representative, make the call. We are all Virginians. Contact information is below. Thank you!

Contact Rep. Bob Goodlatte

Contact Rep. Eric Cantor