Were You There? The Women for Kavanaugh Bus Stop was a Great Place to Be!

By August 22, 2018North Dakota

We had great media coverage for the Women for Kavanaugh Rally on August 17 in Fargo!  KVRR covered it, KVGO covered it, and Penny Young Nance was interviewed by Chris Berg of Point of View, KVLY.  On that interview she stated, “The best thing we can do, the right thing to do, is to look at this based on judicial philosophy.”

The crowd to meet the Women for Kavanaugh bus was energetic!  A Fargo wife, and homeschool mother of three young children, Lydia Trandem, rallied the crowd with this message:

“Good Afternoon!  I would like to thank Concerned Women for America for asking me to be here today! They are a great organization, and it is an honor to have Penny Nance with us!  I stand before you in support of our President’s nominee for our next Supreme Court Justice and because confirming Judge Kavanaugh matters for our great state and nation.

“Judge Kavanaugh’s record as a citizen, husband, father, and judge are worthy of notice and respect. He has a history of upholding the United States Constitution and interpreting it not to the latest swing of public opinion, but in consideration of the framers’ intent while keeping the history and traditions of our country in mind.

“Imperative to me, and many of you, Judge Kavanaugh has defended Americans’ right to religious liberty, our rights regarding free speech, and our Second Amendment right to bear arms. Kavanaugh’s list of issued opinions is extensive, but he consistently guards against governmental overreach in our lives.

“As a small business owner, I recognize the importance of protecting free enterprise and commerce.  As a landlord and property-owner, I see the threat posed by overzealous jurists who desire to impose their brand of social justice and order.  And most importantly, as a mother of three young children in whom I wish to instill Christian values, I don’t ask for a Supreme Court Justice who personally endorses my values and parenting goals, but one who simply recognizes that those choices are best left to each and every parent to make despite the whims and wishes of so many who would sooner see our children raised by the federal government.

“Today I am asking Senator Heitkamp to consider Judge Kavanaugh’s stellar record, to consider how it aligns with the values of North Dakota citizens, and to acknowledge the wishes of the vast majority of our citizens by casting her vote to confirm this man to be our next Supreme Court Justice.”

North Dakota High School Senior, Morgan Hovde enthusiastically supported Judge Brett Kavanaugh as well in her address to the crowd.

“Hi everyone, my name is Morgan Hovde.  It’s an honor to be here to represent myself, North Dakota High School Republicans, Concerned Women for America, my state, and my country.  Most importantly, I am proud to stand here this afternoon in support of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Justice Anthony Kennedy’s recent retirement was a hit to the Supreme Court; although his retirement was an upset, it opened a seat that could only be filled by someone with dignity, gratitude, leadership and more.  There is no better nominee for the Supreme Court other than Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  Through his 12 years on the bench in Washington, D.C., he has proved his eligibility for the U.S. Supreme Court.  He holds strong conservative beliefs that will provide great intellect and judgement.  Throughout his career, he has shown truth and reference to the constitution.  This Yale Grad had worked hard for his career and has learned to hold true to his values.  This well-respected man deserves a seat.  I believe the next and final step in Judge Kavanaugh’s career is a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.  I am honored and proud to support Judge Kavanaugh!”

Please Pray!

  • Pray for the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee as they prepare for the confirmation hearings.
  • Pray for Judge Kavanaugh as he makes his own preparations for the hearings.
  • Pray for Judge Kavanaugh and his family – pray for strength, endurance and peace beyond measure.

“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any nation” (Proverbs 14:34).


  • Ask Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-North Dakota) to vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Email Sen. Heitkamp and/or call (202) 224-2043.  Every contact is counted.  Be sure to let her know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.
  • For more information read CWA’s press release and talking points.

Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota
(701) 331-9792
Facebook: Concerned Women for America of North Dakota