We Rejoice Today With the Passage of HB 462 by a Vote of 21-19!

By February 29, 2012Virginia

During the last week, we have seen Planned Parenthood rear its ugly head and extend its powerful arsenal against our Commonwealth. The anger, mis-information and media bias was evident. Our little army felt outnumbered, but in the end Gideon’s army prevailed. For this we praise God!

HB 462 will return to the House as it was amended. We anticipate that it will be passed in the house and at that time, be sent to the Governor for signature.

This bill “requires that, as a component of informed consent to an abortion, to determine gestation age, every pregnant female shall undergo ultrasound imaging and be given an opportunity to view the ultrasound image of her fetus prior to the abortion. The medical professional performing the ultrasound must obtain written certification from the woman that the opportunity was offered and whether the woman availed herself of the opportunity to see the ultrasound image or hear the fetal heartbeat. A copy of the ultrasound and the written certification shall be maintained in the woman’s medical records at the facility where the abortion is to be performed. This bill incorporates HB 261.”


Please continue to pray that HB 462 becomes law and that many will be saved as a result of it.


Sen. John Watkins (R-10, Midlothian) joined the Democrats in opposition to the bill. Please take a moment to respectfully express your disappointment in his vote against HB 462. Sens. Chuck Colgan (D-29, Manassas) and Phil Puckett (D-38, Tazewell) joined the remaining Republicans in support. Please take a moment to thank them for their vote for HB 462.

Watkins, John (804) 698-7510
Colgan, Chuck (804) 698-7529
Puckett, Phil (804) 698-7538

Please communicate your gratitude to the following Senators:

Black, Richard H. (804) 698-7513
Blevins, Harry B. (804) 698-7514
Carrico, Charles W., Sr. (804) 698-7540
Colgan, Charles J. (804) 698-7529
Garrett, Thomas A., Jr. (804) 698-7522
Hanger, Emmett W., Jr. (804) 698-7524
Martin, Stephen H. (804) 698-7511
McDougle, Ryan T. (804) 698-7504
McWaters, Jeffrey L. (804) 698-7508
Newman, Stephen D. (804) 698-7523
Norment, Thomas K., Jr.(804) 698-7503
Obenshain, Mark D. (804) 698-7526
Puckett, Phillip P. (804) 698-7538
Reeves, Bryce E. (804) 698-7517
Ruff, Frank M., Jr. (804) 698-7515
Smith, Ralph K. (804) 698-7519
Stanley, William M., Jr. (804) 698-7520
Stosch, Walter A. (804) 698-7512
Stuart, Richard H. (804) 698-7528
Vogel, Jill Holtzman (804) 698-7527
Wagner, Frank W. (804) 698-7507

Please contact the Governor at (804) 786-2211 and ask him to sign this bill once it reaches his desk.

Thank you!