We Need Your Voice!

By March 28, 2019North Dakota

A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.” James Madison wisely warned us that we need to be informed. 

The Senate Government and Veterans Affairs Committee will be hearing a piece of important legislation on the Equal Right Amendment (ERA). The House Concurrent Resolution, HCR 3037 clarifies that the 1975 Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was valid only through March 22, 1979!

Thankfully, the deadline of seven years given for the ratification of the ERA by three-fourths of the states (38 states) did not occur! Even with a Time Extension resolution to extend the time limit for ratification to June of 1982, the proponents failed to deliver on the 38 states necessary for ratification! 

HCR 3037 makes it clear that the ERA’s deadline has come and gone, nearly 40 years ago! It further clarifies that North Dakota should NOT be counted by Congress, by lawmakers in any other state of the Union, or by anyone else, as still to this day, being on record with a live ratification of the ERA 40 years after the ratification deadline came and went! Read HCR 3037 here.

North Dakota State Senators need to hear from you! Members are being contacted by “Women’s Rights” proponents to vote down HCR 3037. They need to hear from those who support HCR 3037!

The Equal Rights Amendment is a poorly worded amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which if ratified again, would restrict all laws and practices that make any distinctions based on gender.

The ERA is not about equal rights; it is about the promotion of a genderless agenda through the suppression of natural differences between men and women. It is not about equal rights for women. If it were, it would duplicate the 14th Amendment, the equal amendment clause of our Constitution that covers gender or sexual distinction and gives all equal protection under the law.

Those that ignore the 1982 deadline of the ratification of the ERA want to use the amendment to mandate Medicaid funding for elective abortions. Any attempt to restrict a woman’s access to abortion, under the ERA, could be considered a form of sex discrimination as women could not be singled out for a characteristic that is unique to them and be treated differently based on that physical characteristic, such as pregnancy.   

The ERA could also end conscience clauses for nurses, doctors, and hospitals who do not want to participate in performing abortions. Courts do not allow conscience clauses in race discrimination, and they would not be able to allow it under the ERA.

Status: On March 5, CWA of North Dakota submitted testimony in support of HCR 3037 to the House Government and Veterans Affairs Committee members. The resolution passed the House with 67 yeas and 21 nays! You can read my submitted testimony for both the House and the Senate here. 

Immediate Action Needed!

Send an email message to all state senators asking for a yes vote on HCR 3037, clarifying the 1975 ratification by the 44th Legislative Assembly of the proposed 1972 Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. 

Suggested email message:
Dear Senator,
Please vote in favor of HCR 3037, clarifying the 1975 ratification of the proposed 1972 Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the US. The Amendment to the Constitution was valid only through March 22, 1979. The ERA is not about women’s rights if it were it would duplicate the 14th Amendment, the equal amendment clause of our Constitution.
Your Name, town

(Highlight email addresses below, copy and paste to the send box of your email.)

hcanderson@nd.gov; jbakke@nd.gov; bbekkedahl@nd.gov; raburckhard@nd.gov; dclemens@nd.gov; dcook@nd.gov; kdavison@nd.gov; ddever@nd.gov; jdotzenrod@nd.gov; madwyer@nd.gov; jayelkin@nd.gov; rerbele@nd.gov; rfors@nd.gov; jgrabinger@nd.gov; jheckaman@nd.gov; khogan@nd.gov; dhogue@nd.gov; rholmberg@nd.gov; jkannianen@nd.gov; jklein@nd.gov; kkrebsbach@nd.gov; ckreun@nd.gov; olarsen@nd.gov; dklarson@nd.gov; galee@nd.gov; jlee@nd.gov; lluick@nd.gov; rmarcellais@nd.gov; tmathern@nd.gov; scottmeyer@nd.gov; jmyrdal@nd.gov; eoban@nd.gov; doehlke@nd.gov; dpatten@nd.gov;mpiepkorn@nd.gov; npoolman@nd.gov; lrobinson@nd.gov; jroers@nd.gov; kroers@nd.gov; drust@nd.gov; dgschaible@nd.gov; rsorvaag@nd.gov ; jkunruh@nd.gov ; svedaa@nd.gov; tmwanzek@nd.gov; rwardner@nd.gov

Pray! Concerned Women for America, Founder, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Beverly LaHaye, one of the most important pioneers of the conservative feminist movement, founded CWA in 1979 because she believed that women needed voices in the public sphere that represented their beliefs and values. It was the 1975 Equal Rights Amendment that gave Mrs. LaHaye motivation to begin the mission of CWA, as it remains today, to protect and promote Biblical values among all citizens – first through prayer, then education, and finally by influencing our society – thereby reversing the decline in moral values in our nation.

Thank God for the ways He chooses to use our lives and our voices for His glory, to protect and promote His ways. Thank God for Mrs. LaHaye and her obedience to lead others to promote Biblical values in our culture.

“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

Media coverage of the ERA, including CWA of North Dakota State Director, Linda Thorson’s views, can be watched here.

Linda Thorson

State Director
CWA of North Dakota
Facebook: Concerned Women for America of North Dakota