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We Need Your Help Against Pro-Abortion Groups

By March 13, 2014News and Events
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The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood cases on March 25.

Pro-abortion groups are trying to sway public opinion by hammering good Christian business owners for their religious beliefs. Today these groups will try to dominate the public airwaves through twitter, Facebook and traditional media. We cannot let their message be the only one heard!

These groups want to convince Americans that women employed by Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood will not be able to make their own healthcare decisions. What they are not telling Americans is that because of the massive government fines on their companies, Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood employees and their families could ultimately lose their healthcare coverage altogether.

Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood offer their employees healthcare insurance that meets the requirements of ObamaCare. Despite the pro-abortion groups’ portrayal, these employers are not “taking away women’s access to contraception.” In fact, their insurance plans cover all but 4 of the “FDA- approved” contraceptive drugs required by the Obama Administration’s mandate. Only the drugs that prevent a baby’s implantation in the womb are excluded because those are the ones that go against Hobby Lobby’s and Conestoga Wood’s faith.

Ironically, the Obama Administration is offering exemptions to ObamaCare to many businesses, but not to faith-based ones. These lawsuits are about freedom for family businesses versus coercion by the federal government.

According to a poll by the Family Research Council and Alliance Defending Freedom, Americans don’t want the government to force family businesses to pay punitive fine or violate their religious or moral convictions. Respecting freedom of conscience is a long-held American tradition.

We need your help today
to ensure that pro-abortion groups’ rhetoric does not go unanswered!

Act Now:

1. Tweet about the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood cases between noon and 1:30. Sample tweets and hashtags are attached.
2. Call your representative and senators and ask them to cosponsor the Healthcare Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940 and S.1204).
3. Encourage your representative and senators to speak on the Floor in support of Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood.
4. Pray for Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood on March 25 at 10:00 a.m. when oral arguments at the Supreme Court begin.

Sample Tweets and Hashtags:

• Don’t fine family businesses and force them to close their doors. #Notmybossbusiness
• Crippling fines @HobbyLobby and @ConestogaWood hurt employees and their families. #Notmybossbusiness
• In America, families make family decisions not the government. #Notmybossbusiness
• Government should not dictate personal choices. #Notmybossbusiness
• A family business is not the government’s business. #Notmybossbusiness
• Forcing family businesses to drop healthcare hurts families and women. #Notmybossbusiness
• ObamaCare gives bureaucrats a license to discriminate against faith and family businesses. #Notmybossbusiness
• The Constitution revokes the government’s license to discriminate against freedom and families in business. #Notmybossbusiness
• The Obama administration should lose its license to discrimimate against faith and freedom. #Notmybossbusiness
• The government rewrites healthcare law every week, but claims it has a license to discrimimate against religious families. #Notmybossbusiness