Voice Your Support for Home School Education!

By January 12, 2019North Dakota

There is a very important pro-homeschool education bill that CWA of North Dakota is in full support of, HB 1052.

  • The bill meets CWA’s goal of providing quality of education to a level of excellence in academic achievement, without governmental mandates that are detrimental to parental rights.
  • It provides needed clarification relating to home education to allow not only a child’s parent but also a child’s legal guardian to provide homeschool supervision.
  • It clarifies the ways parents and legal guardians acting as supervisors have the option to use multiple outside resources to effectively enhance the student’s learning environment. It makes clear parents’ rights to incorporate resources such as tutors or online curriculum programs to enhance their child’s curriculum.

On Monday, January 8, I testified on behalf of homeschool parents and their children. Read testimony here.

HB 1052 is expected to be voted on within the Education Committee any day now.

Please Act:   Ask those on the Education Committee to vote a “Do Pass” on HB 1052. Let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.

Please email or call these Representatives on the Education Committee (do not hesitate to leave a message on their voicemail this weekend if you prefer):

Chairman Rep. Mark Owens at mowens@nd.gov or call 701-792-1819

Vice Chairman Rep. Cynthia Schreiber-Beck at cschreiberbeck@nd.gov or call 701-642-5777

Rep. Ron Guggisberg at rguggisberg@nd.gov or call 701-367-2478

Rep. LaurieBeth Hager at lbhager@nd.gov or call 701-280-2535

Rep. Pat Heinert at pdheinert@nd.gov or call 701-222-1354

Rep. Jeff Hoverson at jahoverson@nd.gov or call 701-340-8237 (Bill Sponsor)

Rep. Dennis Johnson at djohnson@nd.gov or call 701-739-9328 (Bill Sponsor)

Rep. Mary Johnson at marycjohnson@nd.gov or call 701-235-5912

Rep. Donald Longmuir at dlongmuir@nd.gov or call 701-628-2617

Rep. Andrew Marschall at amarschall@nd.gov

Rep. Brandy Pyle at bpyle@nd.gov or call 701-388-2622

Rep. Michelle Strinden at mstrinden@nd.gov or call 701-566-9768

Rep. Denton Zubke at dzubke@nd.gov or call 701-842-3081 

Please Pray:  Pray for our legislators by name.  May God give them wisdom and confidence to vote in support of families involved in home-based education.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” — Galatians 6:9

Linda Thorson
State Director
CWA of North Dakota
Facebook: Concerned Women for America of North Dakota