[AUDIO] Use Your Voice – Episode 5, Adoption – A Celebration of Life

Did you know that in Virginia alone, there are about 5000 children in the foster care system and about 1000 children who are available for adoption AT THIS MOMENT. And that is just one state.

DJ Jordan joins Penny Nance to celebrate November as National Adoption Awareness Month. After a career in journalism, DJ spent almost a decade on Capitol Hill including as a spokesperson for Rep. Aderholt (R-Alabama) and as Communications Director for Sen. Lankford (R-Oklahoma). At this time, DJ is running for the state legislature in Virginia and he joined Use Your Voice this month to share his family’s heart for adoption and the story of their daughter, Tori.

This month’s episode is our favorite to date. Adoption is a beautiful expression of the heart of God and DJ’s incredible personal insight is worth hearing.