USC Upstate Cuts Women’s and Gender Studies Program to Teach Constitution

May 20, 2014

Alison Howard



USC Upstate Cuts Women’s and Gender Studies Program to
Teach Constitution

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Concerned Women for America, the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization, applauds the University of South Carolina Upstate’s (USCU) decision to dissolve its Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (CWGS) and use the funds to teach America’s founding documents. The decision complies with a state law which requires colleges teach a year’s worth of courses on the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Federalist Papers.

Concerned Women for America learned that the CWGS was teaching:

The “I Need Feminism” Campaign:

Sponsored Podcasts[1]:

“Women in Horror Films: Scream, Run, or Slash Back”
“You Are My Everything: Women in Codependent Relationships”
“Women in Buddhism in the Bible Belt”

2014 Bodies of Knowledge Symposium[2]:

“The event will kick off Thursday with a talk by Thomas McBee on being “Trans, but Not Like You Think.”. Friday will include lectures by Dr. David Halperin (author of “How to Be Gay” and co- founder of “GLQ: A Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies”) and Dr. Bernadette Barton (author of “Pray the Gay Away: The Extraordinary Lives of Bible Belt Gays”).” The event schedule included:

Talley, Heather, Ph.D., “Queering the New Normal: Harm Reductionin an Age of Gay Progress”

Pelletier, Gary Lee, “Our Beloved Qranks”

Stewart, Amy, “Passages of Appearing: Arendt and the Existential Politics of Transgender Liminality”

Penny Nance, the President and CEO of Concerned Women for America, responds:

“Congratulations to the University of South Carolina Upstate for having the courage and good sense to eliminate a course of study whose sole purpose is to indoctrinate young women in leftist ideology.

“We applaud the University of South Carolina Upstate (USCU) for closing the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (CWGS) and allocating those funds to teach America’s founding documents. The decision puts the South Carolina college in compliance with state law requiring those documents be taught and also gives these women a chance at actual employment upon graduation.

“As American women, we strongly support equal opportunity and are glad USCU will instead concentrate on courses that will prepare its young women for jobs instead of joining their other women’s studies sisters in the unemployment line.

“It is surely more beneficial to learn the history of our country then to take part in pointless gender “victimology” lessons. Clearly, they will miss the “I Need Feminism” campaign and CWGS’s 2014 Bodies of Knowledge Symposium that included “Trans, but Not Like You Think”, and planned to include the play How to Be a Lesbian in 10 Days or Less. We think they’ll be fine.

“Leftist feminists love to make fun of home economics, which none of us in the CWA national office actually majored in, but we can’t argue with Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler that it teaches useful life skills. In fact, it’s far more useful than studying Passages of Appearing: Arendt and the Existential Politics of Transgender Liminality.

“In researching this issue we looked to see how many of the women who have degrees in these women’s studies programs are actually employed. Let’s say they weren’t bragging on their post-graduate employment numbers.

“Of those who are actually employed, we surmise most of those jobs would result in other women’s studies professors. Good news for those jobless feminists though, there may bea chance at employment on the horizon if the Senate joins the Republican establishment in the House of Representatives to push for the Left’s hopeful shrine to abortion, the National Women’s History Museum.

“But back to the point. Well done USC Upstate! Women’s studies majors may in fact more clearly understand their “rights” and whether they are actually being violated after a thorough reading of the Constitution. We encourage other universities to follow suit and hope other states will adopt similar policies.”

If you would like an interview with Penny Nance, please contact Alison Howard at or 202-266-4816.

Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization with 500,000 participating members across the country, over 450 Prayer/Action Chapters and Home Teams, 600 trained leaders and over 30 years of service to our nation.

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