Urgent: Join Us in Opposing Kansas Intrusive Data Collection Bill

By February 12, 2015Kansas

It is with great concern that I urge you to pray and take action TODAY on HB 2099, a bad bill that would undermine Kansans privacy by allowing invasive data collection.

HB 2099, “Concerning the student data privacy act; authorizing school districts to administer certain surveys and questionnaires” is scheduled to be introduced at a hearing this Friday in the Kansas House Education Committee. Click here to read the bill in its entirety and view the history and current status.

This Act will weaken the law requiring that parents be asked to opt in their children for any surveys and data collected. It is required by law that parents must be shown copies of the data to be collected. This bill will weaken the law that is now in place.

Expert testimony given last month in the House Education Committee by Paul Schwartz, Data Specialist, Olathe, and Brian Huesers, former Chief Information Officer, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, current Vice-president of Technology Information, Westlake Hardware told that our children’s data is the most highly sought information today, four times more valuable than data from the Department of Defense. Massive amounts of data are being collected on children in education, labor, and health records, often without having the necessary systems in place for protection.

It is time to “just say no” to data collection by opposing HB 2099.

Pray the committee members will realize that everyone’s privacy is at stake and that the children of Kansas and their families need protection from intrusive data collection.

Take Action:

  1. Contact each member of the House Education Committee and ask them not to pass this out of committee.
  2. Forward this e-mail on to like-minded friends and family and encourage them to pray and act today.

Keeping present law will keep parents abreast of what is being done at school with their children.