Urgent! It’s Time to Override an Inexcusable Veto

By April 22, 2021North Dakota

Yesterday, Gov. Doug Burgum (Republican) threw high school female athletes under the bus by vetoing HB 1298, a common-sense bill that would promote fairness in girls’ sports. The bill passed by a wide majority in the House but only narrowly in the Senate. You can read my press release on the veto here.

We need to fight back! Fair competition and equality in women’s sports are threatened, and we need leaders to stand up against the Governor’s veto and vote to protect female high school athletes. Now is the time to urge five senators who voted no on HB 1298 to reverse course and support HB 1289 to override Gov. Burgum’s veto. 

Take Action!

Call and email the five senators listed below and urge them to vote YES to override the veto of HB 1298. A suggested message is below my signature line.

  1. Howard Anderson (R-District 8) hcanderson@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-861-9749
  2. Jessica Bell (R-District 33) jessicabell@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-891-9708
  3. Brad Bekkedahl (R-District 1) bbekkedahl@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-570-1879
  4. Curt Kreun (R-District 42) ckreun@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-741-2612
  5. Ronald Sorvaag (R-District 45) rsorvaag@nd.gov or Cellphone701-361-2156

Forward this message to family and friends. Every email message is counted.

Please Pray
Pray God provides wisdom and understanding for all legislators. Pray our leaders have God’s understanding on this issue of protecting female athletes.

“So, God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them.” – Genesis 1:27

In His service,
Linda Thorson
State Director

Suggested message:

Dear Senator,
Please vote in favor of HB 1298. Protect equal opportunity and a fair playing field for girls and women’s sports. Individual male-born athletes should not be eligible to participate on an athletic team that is exclusively for females.

Your name and town