URGENT: Excellent Kansas Pro-Life Bill Needs Your Support TODAY

By January 30, 2015Kansas

It is with much enthusiasm, as my first act as the new CWA of Kansas State Director, that I urge you to pray and take action TODAY on SB 95, an outstanding pro-life act.

SB 95, Kansas Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act is scheduled to be introduced in the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee this Monday, February 2.

That act would ban all dismemberment abortions. As stated in the act, “’Dismemberment Abortion’ means, with the purpose of causing the death of an unborn child, knowingly dismembering a living unborn child and extracting such unborn child one piece at a time from the uterus through the use of clamps, grasping forceps, tongs, scissors or similar instruments that, through the convergence of two rigid levers, slice, crush or grasp a portion of the unborn child’s body in order to cut or rip it off.” Click here to read the bill in its entirety.

This has the potential to be a historical vote for the nation. If passed, Kansas would be the first state to ban dismemberment abortions. It will pave the way for other states to follow suit.

One of the authors of the act, Sen. Garrett Love (R-District 38), made this statements, “In the capitol, we hear most from those impacted by our decisions, but when it comes to the innocent lives of unborn children, there’s a problem. They can’t speak for themselves.”

Please take a moment to pray and speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Pray: Pray that the representatives, organizations, etc. that oppose this act will be thwarted and that this act will be successfully passed out of committee. Pray for the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee members by name.

Take Action:

  1. 1. Contact each member of the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee and ask them to pass this act out of committee without delay. Click here and then click on each member at a time and contact them via phone and/or e-mail.
  2. 2. Forward this e-mail on to like-minded friends and family and encourage them to pray and act today.

Bottom line, this act will save the lives of almost 600 Kansans a year, let alone the mental and emotional health of the women involved AND pave the way for other states to successfully do the same.

For Life!

Barbara Saldivar
State Director
CWA of Kansas