Urgent CWA Heartbeat Bill Action Alert

By April 16, 2012Ohio

Dear Friends,

Everything we have done has brought us to this point: a vote away from ending nearly every abortion. Now is the FINAL PUSH for the Heartbeat Bill!

Our window of opportunity to pass the Heartbeat Bill is right now as the final session before summer recess begins this Tuesday, April 17. One vote in the Ohio Senate and babies with beating hearts will be protected by law!

On Tuesday we will greet the senators with a full page ad in the Columbus Dispatch from Right to Life founder, Dr. Jack Willke, calling for them to pass the strongest Heartbeat Bill now! Click here for ad.

Please print out this copy of the ad, and send it to your state senator (or all 9 of those listed below!) this coming week!

On Tuesday please:

1. Print out this copy of the Columbus Dispatch ad, and SEND the ad to your state senator with the words: Don’t gut or delay the Heartbeat Bill!

Senate Building
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215

2. Call the nine senators first thing Tuesday morning! It is not enough for them to say they will vote IF it comes to the floor, we need them to BRING it to a floor vote without gutting it!

Tom Niehaus: 614-466-8082 (niehaus@ohiosenate.gov)
Keith Faber: 614-466-7584 (faber@ohiosenate.gov)
Shannon Jones: 614-466-9737 (jones@ohiosenate.gov)
Tom Patton: 614-466-8056 (patton@ohiosenate.gov)
Scott Oelslager: 614-466-0626 (oelslager@ohiosenate.gov)
Peggy Lehner: 614-466-4538 (lehner@ohiosenate.gov)
Dave Burke: 614-466-8049 (burke@ohiosenate.gov)
Troy Balderson: 614-466-8076 (balderson@ohiosenate.gov)
Kris Jordan: 614-466-8086 (jordan@ohiosenate.gov)

We have taken the most protective bill to the 2-yard line–we need you and your friends to push it over the goal. Please forward this to everyone you know who wants to end abortion!

Unite with us now in prayer and action, and engage your friends; it will make the difference between life and death.

For victory,

Crystal Gurry
Legislative Liaison
CWA of Ohio

P.S. Please also let everyone know about the Statehouse Heartbeat Rally, Saturday, May 19. Sonic Flood will be there to lead worship. Speakers include Jennifer O’Neil, Joe the Plumber, and national leaders you won’t want do miss. This may be the most important rally since 1973. Plan now to bring bus and van loads to come and bring the killing to an end!