Urgent Alert: TODAY – Ask Your Representative to Vote Green on School Chaplaincy Bill!

By February 13, 2025North Dakota

On Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Concerned Women for America of North Dakota provided testimony in support of HB 1456, which enables schools to hire certified chaplain volunteers to serve as trusted guides and spiritual leaders within school communities.

HB 1456 is now scheduled for a vote on the House floor TOMORROW, Friday, February 14.

Students should not be prohibited from the same environment lawgivers are granted. During the North Dakota Legislative Session, a chaplain opens both the North Dakota House and Senate and provides legislators with spiritual guidance through prayer.

Coach Joe Kennedy of Bremerton, Washington, star of the movie, Average Joe, submitted excellent testimony in support of HB 1456. Mr. Kennedy was fired for praying on the school football field, challenged his firing in court, and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his favor “affirming that public school employees do not have to give up their faith to serve students.”  

While schools have a long record of opening their doors to volunteer spiritual leaders when tragedies occur, HB 1456 allows certified chaplains to provide support to students and faculty on a much more regular basis to enhance healthy learning environments.

We need your voice! The House Education Committee’s vote of “Do Pass” resulted in a tie – of 7 Yeas and 7 Nays – therefore, HB 1456 will be presented to the House Floor with a “No Recommendation” from the committee.

Act TODAY: Please contact your members of the House of Representative and urge them to support opportunities for certified chaplains to serve in public schools – Ask your Representatives to vote GREEN on HB 1456.

 To find your legislators, go here. Enter your house number and zip code under “Find My Legislator” in the upper right-hand corner:

 Write your message or use this example of a simple email message below:

Subject Line: Please vote Green on HB 1456 School Chaplains

Dear Rep. ______________,

Please support offering volunteer-certified chaplains to serve in school settings. They are a great way for schools to offer children the support they need to learn and thrive.

I am a friend of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.

Thank you, 

Name, Town

Please forward this email to family and friends! Every email and every phone call is counted!

 Please Pray: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of children. We pray those in authority that they may protect and provide opportunities for children to thrive and grow in our Public Schools.

“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD. The fruit of the womb is a reward.” Psalm 127:3


Please consider contacting all of the House Members by sending an email message to the addresses below. This is not typically something we recommend, but we feel like this vote could go either way, so an email to every member of the House could turn this in our favor.

Simply highlight, copy, and paste in the “Bcc” email address window. 
bertanderson@ndlegis.gov, dickanderson@ndlegis.gov, kanderson@ndlegis.gov, lbahl@ndlegis.gov, mbeltz@ndlegis.gov, mberg@ndlegis.gov, mbolinske@ndlegis.gov, gdbosch@ndlegis.gov, mbrandenburg@ndlegis.gov, cbrown@ndlegis.gov, nchristianson@ndlegis.gov, jchristy@ndlegis.gov, lconmy@ndlegis.gov, jdavis@ndlegis.gov, gdobervich@ndlegis.gov, jddockter@ndlegis.gov, tdressler@ndlegis.gov, cfegley@ndlegis.gov, lfinleydeville@ndlegis.gov, jayfisher@ndlegis.gov, afoss@ndlegis.gov, kfrelich@ndlegis.gov, kgrindberg@ndlegis.gov, jgrueneich@ndlegis.gov, lbhager@ndlegis.gov, jhagert@ndlegis.gov, krhanson@ndlegis.gov, phatlestad@ndlegis.gov, dorihauck@ndlegis.gov, cheadland@ndlegis.gov, mheilman@ndlegis.gov, pdheinert@ndlegis.gov, dhenderson@ndlegis.gov, jhendrix@ndlegis.gov, dholle@ndlegis.gov, jahoverson@ndlegis.gov, zmista@ndlegis.gov, jjohnson@ndlegis.gov, djohnston@ndlegis.gov, jjonas@ndlegis.gov, kkarls@ndlegis.gov, jkasper@ndlegis.gov, kkempenich@ndlegis.gov, dhkiefert@ndlegis.gov, lklemin@ndlegis.gov, bkoppelman@ndlegis.gov, mlefor@ndlegis.gov, dlongmuir@ndlegis.gov, slouser@ndlegis.gov, rmaki@ndlegis.gov, amarschall@ndlegis.gov, bmartinson@ndlegis.gov, cmcleod@ndlegis.gov, lmeier@ndlegis.gov, amitskog@ndlegis.gov, dmonson@ndlegis.gov, dmorton@ndlegis.gov, mmotschenbacher@ndlegis.gov, emurphy@ndlegis.gov, mrnathe@ndlegis.gov, denehring@ndlegis.gov, jonelson@ndlegis.gov, anovak@ndlegis.gov, eobrien@ndlegis.gov, jolson@ndlegis.gov, solson@ndlegis.gov, dosowski@ndlegis.gov, mostlie@ndlegis.gov, tkporter@ndlegis.gov, bpyle@ndlegis.gov, dwrichter@ndlegis.gov, nrios@ndlegis.gov, kmrohr@ndlegis.gov, druby@ndlegis.gov, mruby@ndlegis.gov, masanford@ndlegis.gov, blsatrom@ndlegis.gov, mischatz@ndlegis.gov, aschauer@ndlegis.gov, mschneider@ndlegis.gov, cschreiberbeck@ndlegis.gov, vsteiner@ndlegis.gov, gstemen@ndlegis.gov, sswiontek@ndlegis.gov, nptoman@ndlegis.gov, btveit@ndlegis.gov, lvanwinkle@ndlegis.gov, smvetter@ndlegis.gov, smvetter@ndlegis.gov, dvollmer@ndlegis.gov, swagner@ndlegis.gov, warrey@ndlegis.gov, rweisz@ndlegis.gov, rweisz@ndlegis.gov, cwolff@ndlegis.gov

Thank you for your continued support of CWA of North Dakota through prayer, time, and donations.