URGENT ALERT: Speak out now on Medicaid Expansion in Virginia!

By March 3, 2014Virginia

Dear Friend,

We need your help now to stop the expansion of ObamaCare through a Medicaid expansion (ObamaCaid) in Virginia’s budget!

Budget conferees are meeting this week to hammer out the differences between the House and Senate budgets. And, “Obama Lieutenant” Gov. Terry McAuliffe has already said that he will oppose any bill that does not include the expansion.

Last week, both the House and the Senate passed their respective budgets. The House budget did not include the expansion, and the Senate bill did. Three Republicans Senators, John Watkins, (Powhatan), Emmett Hanger (Augusta) and Walter Stosch (Henrico) voted with Democrats.

Initially, the federal government would pay 100 percent of the cost of expanding Medicaid and then later would cover 90 percent. However, based on the federal government’s own spending problems, Virginians most likely would be left “holding the bag” on the “ObamaCaid” expansion.

Already before the new “ObamaCaid expansion,” Medicaid costs have been increasing about 8 percent per year. This is already a budget-buster and must not be further expanded.

The 2014 General Assembly Session is supposed to adjourn on March 8. The pressure by MoveOn.org and other liberal groups to implement ObamaCare through this “ObamaCaid” expansion will be enormous. It is crucial that you tell your legislators in Richmond that Washington politics will not dictate Virginia healthcare!

Act Now:

  1. Call your delegates and senators and urge them to support a “clean budget” that does not include a Medicaid expansion. Click here to find your delegate and senator.
  2. Call the budget conferees listed below and ask them not to include a Medicaid expansion.

Budget Committee members from the House of Delegates:

Rep. Kirk Cox: delkcox@house.virginia.gov
Office Phone: (804) 698-1066: Local phone, Colonial Heights: 804 526 5135

Rep. Tag Greason: deltgreason@house.virginia.gov
Office Phone: (804) 698-1032: Local phone, Lansdowne: 703 203 3203

Rep. Johnny Joannou: deljjoannou@house.virginia.gov
Office Phone: (804) 698-1079: Local phone, Portsmouth: 757 399 1700

Rep. S. Chris Jones: delcjones@house.virginia.gov
Office Phone: (804) 698-1076: Local phone, Suffolk: 757 483 6242

Rep. Steve Landes: delslandes@house.virginia.gov
Office Phone: (804) 698-1025: Local phone, Verona: 540 255 5335

Rep. John O’Bannon: deljobannon@house.virginia.gov
Office Phone: (804) 698-1073: Local phone, Richmond: 804 282 8640

Budget Committee members from the Senate:

Sen. Charles J. Colgan: district29@senate.virginia.gov
Office Phone: 804 698 7529: Local phone, Manassas: 703 368 0300

Sen. Emmet W. Hanger, Jr.: district24@senate.virginia.gov
Office Phone: 804 698 7524: Local phone, Mount Solon: 540 885 6898

Sen. Thomas K. Norment, Jr.: district03@senate.virginia.gov
Office Phone: 804 698 7503: Local phone, Williamsburg: 757 259 7810

Sen. Janet D. Howell: district32@senate.virginia.gov
Office Phone: 804 698 7532: Local phone, Reston: 703 709 8283

Sen. Richard L. Saslaw: district35@senate.virginia.gov
Office Phone: 804 698 7535: Local phone, Springfield: 703 978 0200

Sen. John C. Watkins: district10@senate.virginia.gov
Office Phone: 804 698 7510: Local phone, Midlothian: 804 379 2063

Janet Robey
State Director
CWA of Virginia