Urgent Alert: Schools Need to Protect Students From Porn

By May 1, 2019Texas

On Wednesday morning, May 1, the Texas House Culture, Recreation, & Tourism Committee took testimony from witnesses on HB 3730.  The bill requires vendors to filter pornography from materials made available to school districts for web access by students.  In failing to do this, students, working on homework assignments using computers at home with parental guards, have still accessed pornographic materials through the school district portals.  A portion of the bill is copied here:

Sec. 441.231.  ONLINE LIBRARY RESOURCES FOR SCHOOL DISTRICTS.  (a)  The commission shall use funds appropriated to the commission or consortium services fees under Section 441.224(b) collected from school districts to purchase online library resources for primary and secondary schools that have adopted Internet safety policies and technology protection measures meeting the requirements for certification under 47 U.S.C. Sections 254(h)(5)(B) and (C).

(b)  The commission may purchase online library resources under Subsection (a) only if the vendor providing the resources certifies that the resources comply with 47 U.S.C. Section 254(h)(5).

Immediate Action Needed TODAY:

Please contact members of Texas House Culture, Recreation, & Tourism Committee and ask them to pass this bill out of committee:

  • John Cyrier, Chairman, (R-District 17) Phone: (512) 463-0682
  • Mando Martinez (D-District 39) Phone: (512) 463-0530
  • John Bucy (D-District 136) Phone: (512) 463-0696
  • Barbara Gervin-Hawkins (D-District 120) Phone: (512) 463-0708
  • Justin Holland (R-District 33) Phone: (512) 463-0484
  • Jarvis Johnson (D-District 139) Phone: (512) 463-0554
  • Kyle Kacal (R-District 12) Phone: (512) 463-0412
  • Geanie Morrison (R-District 30) Phone: (512) 463-0456
  • Steve Toth (R-District 15) Phone: (512) 463-0797

Please pray that legislators will understand the threat to the innocent minds of our children and prioritize this need. In Psalm101:3 David says: “I will set no worthless thing before my eyes…”

Ann Hettinger
State Director
CWA of Texas