Urgent Alert on Heartbeat Bill – Ring the Senate Phones Off the Hook!

By November 28, 2012Ohio

Despite what you have heard about outgoing Senate President Tom Niehaus refusing to honor his word and bring the Heartbeat Bill to the floor for a vote, the decision of whether the Heartbeat Bill lives or dies is in the hands of the REPUBLICAN MAJORITY–not Tom Niehaus!

If just ONE SENATOR will circulate a discharge petition and 16 Republican Senators, who ran as pro-lifers, will sign it, the Heartbeat Bill will come to the floor for a vote BEFORE Dec. 31, 2012. If this does not happen, the Heartbeat Bill will die!

The Senate will be in session for only six more dates before the session ends on December 31. If they do not allow a floor vote by December 31, the bill will die, and we will lose the victory of its passage in the House on June 28, 2011. We will then have to go back and start all over; we will lose over two years of pro-life work and, more importantly, we will lose 26,000 unborn babies in Ohio each year.

URGENT – Please call these 22 Republican Senators who all ran as pro-lifers and ask them, “Will you circulate a DISCHARGE PETITION to bring the Heartbeat Bill to the floor for a vote? Will you sign it? Ask them to stand up to Senate President Tom Niehaus who is refusing to allow a floor vote. Urge these Senators to use their power to force a floor vote on the Heartbeat Bill before December 31. These Republicans have the power to bring the Heartbeat Bill to a vote:

*Senator Keith Faber 614-466-7584 (*Senate Leadership)
*Senator Shannon Jones 614-466-9737 (*Senate Leadership)
*Senator Tom Patton 614-466-8056 (*Senate Leadership)
Senator Bill Coley 614-466-8072
Senator Dave Burke 614-466-8049
Senator Troy Balderson 614-466-8076
Senator Kris Jordan 614-466-8086
Senator Kevin Bacon 614-466-8064
Senator Bill Beagle 614-466-6247
Senator John Eklund 614-644-7718
Senator Cliff Hite 614-466-8150
Senator Jim Hughes 614-466-5981
Senator Frank LaRose 614-466-4823
Senator Peggy Lehner 614-466-4538
Senator Gayle Manning 614-644-7613
Senator Larry Obhof, Jr. 614-466-7505
Senator Scott Oelslager 614-466-0626
Senator Bob Peterson 614-466-8156
Senator Tim Schaffer 614-466-5838
Senator Bill Seitz 614-466-8068
Senator Mark Wagoner 614-466-8060
Senator Chris Widener 614-466-3780

Be polite and respectful as you leave a message for the Senators.

Get your pro-life friends to call, too. We must ring their phones off the hook and convince them to stand up against Senate President Niehaus and force a floor vote before the bill dies!

We are fighting for LIFE,

Bobbi Radeck
State Director
Concerned Women for America of Ohio

P.S. Unless we want to hold signs and march for another 40 years, we must pick up the phone and call EVERY Senator and demand a floor vote before the Heartbeat Bill (and the babies it will protect) are killed!