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Urge the Governor to Sign the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act

By April 22, 2021Kansas
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The Fairness in Women’s Sports Act passed the State Senate and House and is now on the desk of Gov. Laura Kelly for her signature. It is important that Gov. Kelly here from Kansans that girls’ sports need to be protected and that she sign the bill.

Concerned Women for America of Kansas supports the  Fairness in Women’s Sports Act because fair competition and equality in women’s sports are being threatened, and this legislation combats that issue. Individual male born athletes should not be eligible to participate on an athletic team that is exclusively for females.

First, pray for Gov. Kelly that she will sign the bill. Pray that God would give her the wisdom and understanding to accomplish His purposes.

Second, please take action!

  1. Contact Kelly and urge her to sign the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.
  2. Contact your state senator and representative and urge them to support overriding the governor’s veto should the governor veto the bill. Use this link to find out who represents you in the state legislature. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Kanas, be sure to let them know.
  3. Please forward this to your family and friends.

Third, pray for the legislature that they will have enough votes to override a veto should the governor veto the bill.

Visit Concerned Women for America’s (CWA) Standing with Female Athletes page for timely resources on this issue. Download and distribute CWA’s Protecting Women’s Sports CWA Fact Sheet.

“So, God created man in His own image; in the image of God,
He created him; male and female He created them.” – Genesis 1:27

Barbara Saldivar
State Director