Updated Guidelines for Texas Church Services During COVID-19

By April 27, 2020Texas

Dear Friend,

Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Texas is so grateful for Gov. Greg  Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton’s solid understanding of religious liberty according to our state and national constitutions and the law.  Their reasonable approach and guidance is appreciated.  As we see mini-tyrants rear their despotic heads all over the country, it’s a relief to know that Texas is, so far, in rational, capable, wise, and temperate hands.

As always, it is important to get the story straight from the horse’s mouth and so here is Attorney General Paxton’s Guidance for Houses of Worship During the COVID-19 Crisis.

Please note these items in regard to the current church service guidance recommendations for Texas churches:

  • The First Amendment, Texas Constitution, Art. 1, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act protect Americans’ free exercise of religion and must not be violated by state or local governments.
  • Church is an “essential service.”
  • If possible, churches should conduct services through audio and video services that can be accessed remotely from members’ homes.
  • If churches do not have the capability to provide remote services, then these guidelines should be practiced per the White House and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines:

*Anyone sick should stay home.
*Social distancing should be exercised.
*Good hygiene (handwashing, not touching your face, covering coughs)  should be personally implemented.
*Common areas and surfaces should be cleaned and sanitized frequently.

  • Be mindful of your community and county status of COVID-19 infection and spread rates, and honor local governance in regard to specific local recommendations.

Again, for more details on these guidelines, please peruse the original document which can be accessed here.

Take Action:
#1. Contact Gov. Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton.  Thank them for their commonsense leadership during this time.  And make sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Texas and that you are praying for them.
Gov. Abbott — Phone: 512-463-2000 |Online form
Attorney General Paxton — 512-463-2100 |Online form

#2. Be sure your pastor is aware of the latest guidance for churches and be an encouragement to him.

#3. Forward this information to friends and family.

Please Pray
#1. Pray that the church will continue to put on its creative hat as we seek to find ways to not “forsake the assembling of ourselves together” during this unique and historic time.

  • Try Drive-In church services if your church size, parking lot, and technological capacity can accommodate such a function.
  • Host church fellowship time on Zoom (make sure you enable a password for security purposes).

#2. Pray that remote online services will continue to reach around the globe and draw many to the saving, redemptive work of Christ and an eternal residence in Heaven with God.

#3. Please continue to pray for our elected and appointed officials who are making very challenging decisions during this pandemic.

With you all, we look forward soon to …
“Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple,
and breaking bread from house to house,
… taking [our] meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart,
praising God and having favor with all the people.”
Acts 2:46-47, NASB

For now, we pray this last sentence of the above passage:
“And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

Ann Hettinger
State Director