Update on South Dakota Pain Capable Bill

By March 9, 2016South Dakota

SB72, An Act to prohibit the abortion of an unborn child who is capable of experiencing pain and to provide a penalty therefor, passed in the House Monday with a vote of 59-7.  Check the votes here.  It had previously passed in the Senate.  Check those Senate votes here. SB72 has had several amendments and currently needs the Senate to concur on the House amendments.

The pro-abortion lobby is pressuring the Governor to veto the bill.  Your calls and e-mails are needed to the Governor asking him to sign SB72, the Pain Capable Bill.

ACTION:  E-mail Gov. Daugaard and urge him to sign SB72, the Pain Capable Bill. In addition phone his office at (605) 773-3212.

It has been well documented that unborn babies experience pain during abortion (something we pro-lifers have known for a long time).  Because the unborn child’s pain inhibitors have not been fully developed, their pain is even more excruciating.  Although we believe abortion at any stage of development is a monumental injustice to the unborn, the pain capable prohibition is set at 20 weeks gestation.