Update on Abortion Pill Reversal and End of Life Bills

By March 12, 2024Colorado

Thank you for your engagement on dangerous and good bills in the Colorado legislature. Here is an update on two bills:
SB24-068: Medical Aid in Dying – The Senate Health and Human Services Committee passed the bill. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of Colorado opposed this bill, and testimony was given on your behalf. Passage of this bill moves Colorado a step closer to being a state that can legally hasten death.
HB24-1106: the Abortion Pill Reversal Information Act – This bill was “postponed indefinitely” by the House Health and Human Services Committee. This defeat was a grave injustice to women in Colorado seeking to reverse their abortion. Excellent testimony was presented by CWA of Colorado and others supporting the need for women to have easy, timely access to this information. We will continue to fight for our state’s women and their unborn babies.
Please Pray: Father, we praise Your name that not even one unborn life is ever lost to You. We ask for a move of the Holy Spirit on the Colorado Capitol to soften hearts to the inherent worth of all life from conception to natural death. Matthew 6:10 says we are to ask for “Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven,” so we ask that over the unborn and the elderly and terminally ill in Your name. Amen.
Thank you!

Karen Pennington, PhD, RN
State Director