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Truth: What is it? Who defines it?

By August 13, 2013Washington
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TRUTH: What Is It? Who Defines It?

Dear CWA of Washington Member,

TRUTH. What is it? Who defines it? We Christians believe that absolute truth is found in the Holy Bible, God’s Word, and that Jesus Christ IS the Word (John 1:1). Jesus Himself spoke these words:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:33

“However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13

Let’s apply that word “truth” to a current cultural issue, the “war on women”. Is the continuing use of that phrase as annoying to you as it is to me? First of all, the real war on women started in the Garden of Eden when the serpent deceived Eve into thinking she could be like God (Genesis 3:5 NKJV), thereby opening human eyes to good and evil and putting a wedge between Adam and Eve and God which closed the gate to that beautiful garden existence.

In modern times, the war on women has continued as feminism deceives women, persuading them that they no longer need husbands, that they are even better off without men in their homes and that winning self sufficiency is more important to their happiness and fulfillment than the comfort, security and joy found only in the balance of God-created male and female roles. Our culture, our families and women in particular are paying a very high price today for all those lies. Divorce, single parenting, estranged fathers, confused children and exhausted women are the sad fallout from the cultural lies being promoted. In addition, nearly every day we hear about more scandals involving the degrading abuse of women at the hands of politicians! While they claim there is a “war on women” by those of us who fight for traditional marriage, the sanctity of life, and parental rights to raise our children with our values and faith, most of the personal scandals we are learning about in politics are coming from the very men and women who claim they are the protectors of women! The disrespect shown toward the female gender and our God-given identities is shameful and as the nation and state’s largest public-policy women’s organization, CWA is speaking out. Read about it at the Beverly LaHaye Institute.

Thankfully, many women have rejected the lies, married real men and lived out our lives as happily married couples, disproving the feminist lies and standing as witnesses for the truths of God’s Word. Children from such marriages fare much better than children from single-parent families, especially when the father is completely absent and does not fulfill his God-given roles as responsible, supportive, loving husband and father. Life sometimes throws curve balls at us that prevent us from enjoying God’s plan, but twist and turn the truth however you try, our current culture is suffering severely from believing the lies in our rejection of God’s omniscience. Chauvinism isn’t restricted to the male gender, and we have long witnessed the damage to our families and thus the culture by the promotion of feminism’s (and their allies) biased devotion to intensely self-centered, self-defeating attitudes and causes.

Are you tired of the hypocrisy and double standards displayed by too many of our nation’s leaders? Let’s get busy and pray more for them and ourselves, educate ourselves and others, then stand in the battlefield for God’s Truth to protect and preserve the Biblical principles that elevate and equalize the value of all of God’s created human beings:

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28

I am so thankful to Beverly LaHaye for founding Concerned Women for America. President Penny Nance is boldly carrying on Mrs. LaHaye’s vision with many godly women and men alongside her. We need to pray for all of them, but especially for Penny as she represents the values and priorities of Christian women. To learn about CWA’s continuing work, check out CWA’s national website ( for these and other articles and videos: Prolife win in Texas, protecting women and children, religious liberty under attack, and good news for families.


ARLENE’S FLOWERS, Richland: Pray that Attorney General Bob Ferguson will drop the lawsuit against Arlene’s Flowers for not providing flowers for a homosexual wedding. The owner is a believing Christian who had sold flowers to the couple involved, but chose not to participate in their wedding due to her Biblical beliefs about marriage. Please call the Attorney General’s Office to register your opposition to the lawsuit: 360-753-6200. Then contact at least five friends to call with their concerns about respecting our First Amendment right to the “free exercise” of our religious faith.

For a thought-provoking article on First Amendment rights versus special rights for homosexuals, go to

Young Women for America (YWA), a project of Concerned Women for America (CWA), is spreading to college campuses across the nation! Just this month, YWA Coordinator Caroline Biggs has worked to establish ten new university chapters. CWA of Washington would love to promote YWA in our state. Please consider stepping up to help us; contact us at: You may access YWA materials and information at


Time to go to our knees, then rise up and put on our spiritual armor (Ephesians 6:10-17) and stand on the battlefield! “Do what you can where you are with what you have!” (President Theodore Roosevelt) and “Never surrender!” (Prime Minister Winston Churchill).

Are you a current member of CWA? Please use the attached form to renew your membership and enable us to continue to fight for God’s Truth. Would you consider starting a Home Team or a Prayer/Action Chapter? Our nation and our state are in a state of apostasy and only God’s people can change that through earnest prayer and fasting. Will you sign up to pray for a state legislator through our Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign? JOIN US! Contact the state office at or 425-869-1923.

In God’s Service,

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
PO Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072