Trump Ticket: GOP Frontrunner Announces Running Mate Tomorrow

CWALAC_MediaStatementWashington, D.C. – Friday morning, Donald Trump will officially announce his running mate. Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance had this to say about the possible presumptive Vice President pick of Gov. Mike Pence (R-Indiana):

“I applaud Donald Trump’s expected decision to choose Gov. Mike Pence as his Vice Presidential running mate. This would indicate Trump is moving in the right direction and is showing that he’s taking the Evangelical Christian voting bloc seriously by choosing Pence, who has a proven record as a respected veteran of the House of Representatives and as Gov. of Indiana. During his time in the House, Pence made a name for himself as a pro-life champion, leading the fight to defund Planned Parenthood of taxpayer dollars. Additionally, he co-sponsored and voted for numerous pieces of pro-marriage legislation and had a reputation as a respected, policy-oriented member.”

For an interview with Penny Nance contact Janae Stracke at or 712-269-1724.