Time to Sign up for the 2019-2020 Encourage-A-Legislator Program

By October 1, 2018Maine

Dear friends,

We thank God for our wonderful volunteers who facilitate our Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) project every year. Some of you have been with us from the beginning.

If you have not participated in our EAL Program in the past, know that this program is focused solely on prayer and encouragement to our state legislators. Starting the second week in January of 2019 our EAL participants simply pray for an assigned legislator every day that they are in session and send a postcard once a month to their assigned legislator with encouraging words letting them know that they are being prayed for each day. This is not a lobbying effort but a ministry to the legislators. Whether a legislator is a believer, non-believer, conservative, liberal, democrat, republican, independent, or other, they are in desperate need of prayer.

Each year, we recruit over 186 volunteers to help us out with our EAL program, and this year we are asking if they will be willing to keep and pray for their Legislator for the entire legislative session. The 129th session runs from January through June 2019 and reconvenes January through April 2020. Will you volunteer for this inspiring ministry?

Once signed up, participants receive a packet near the end of December. The packet includes instructions, the name, and biography of their assigned legislator, and 10 CWA of Maine EAL postcards.

Year after year, we receive many letters of appreciation from the legislators expressing their gratitude for the many postcards of prayer and encouragement they received.

Sign up today by e-mailing me at encourager@maine.cwa.org or call me at (207) 212-9394. I will need your name, address, phone number, and how many legislators you would like to encourage.

Please forward this on to friends and family whom you think may be interested in participating.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Praying along with you,

Catherine Carsley
Encourage-A-Legislator Coordinator
CWA of Maine